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R' Joseph B. Soloveitchik |
The sense I get from his essays on the subject is that in
his heart of hearts, he wishes he was part of it. His praise of it - combined
with his frequent criticism of his own movement leads me to believe that. To the best
of my knowledge he is an observant Jew even by Orthodox standards. Leaving
aside the critical issue of belief in Torah MiSinai – which I think he
questions based on biblical criticism - he would fit right in. And he would
love it here.
What Professor Wertheimer likes about Modern Orthodoxy is what
the Conservative Movement was initially supposed to be about: successful engagement
with the culture combined with strict adherence to Halacha.
So where in Modern Orthodoxy would Professor Wertheimer fit
in? Just as there is denominational divisions in Judaism (Reform, Conservative,
and Orthodox), so too are there divisions in Orthodoxy itself. For purposes of
simplicity let us break it down to 2 divisions: Charedim and Modern Orthodox.
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R' Aharon Lichtenstein |
In his article Dr. Wertheimer discusses the influences on
Modern Orthodoxy. The following is my take.
The influences of the left are in my view negligible. Open
Orthodoxy was created by the left to cater to the left. But because of a Hashkafic approach that was long
ago firmly rejected by their mentor,
Rav Soloveitchik - and their acceptance as members in good standing of rabbis with
heretical views - even some of the more liberal rabbis of Modern Orthodoxy
(like Rabbi Barry Freundel) have rejected them.
MO-Lite is not a Hashkafic movement and has no impact on the
Hashkafos of Modern Orthodoxy.
Orthopraxy by definition is not really Judaism.You cannot say that you seriously question God’s existence or the truth of the Torah and claim to be Orthodox in any real sense of the word.
Orthopraxy by definition is not really Judaism.You cannot say that you seriously question God’s existence or the truth of the Torah and claim to be Orthodox in any real sense of the word.
What interests me most is the Charedi influence.
I believe it is indeed very strong. And that it has both
positive and negative aspects. As a Centrist I embrace many of the values of
the Charedi world, primary among them the strict adherence to Halacha and the
high value of Torah study.
Obviously adherence to Halacha is what makes MO – Orthodox.
The better we are at observing it, the more Orthodox we are.
Torah study too enhances Modern Orthodoxy. The study and
mastery of religious texts on Halacha; texts on the source of Halacha (which
include Gemarah, Rishonim, and Achronim) are paramount in understanding who we
are and how we got here. More importantly without studying Halacha, we can’t
possibly know how to keep it.
Leadership is one area in which we clearly lag behind our
Charedi counterparts. As was pointed out by several of Professor Wertheimer’s respondants ( most
directly Rabbi Barry Freundel):
“Who in the Orthodox community is engaging in original Jewish thought,” Freundel asks? Nearly three decades after Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik ceased functioning as a leader, he remains the totem invoked at every turn…
But Freundel poses the right question: the failure of contemporary Modern Orthodox leaders to develop Jewish religious thought does indeed appear to be a symptom of theological uncertainty, if not malaise.
If there is any failing that Modern Orthodoxy has, it is the current lack of great Torah personalities like Rav Soloveitchik (the Rav). There is no
Modern Orthtodox thinker around today that has anywhere near the respect and authority
that did the Rav. The closest one would be Rav Aharon Lichtenstein. But even if
at age 80 he were to be granted the same degree of respect, there is no one else
even close to him on the horizon. There is not a single rabbinic authority of great stature in
Modern Orthodoxy today that anyone can point to and say: He is our guide in
Halacha. He is our guide in Hashkafa.
I suppose that this is in part the ‘nature of the beast’.
Modern Orthodoxy is less focused on central authority figures. Those of us with a strong background in Torah study
tend to think for ourselves… and take positions based on the teachings of our
mentor. In some cases more than one mentor has influenced us. We also look at sources to corroborate our
positions on matters of Halacha and Hashkafa. But that leaves a vacuum of leadership
on matters not so simply clarified on our own – no matter what our background
This is why Charedim have made inroads into our world. For
lack of any other authority figures, many RWMOs turn to Charedi leaders for
guidance. And their guidance may not necessarily be what a MO thinker like the
Rav would advise.
This is amply demonstrated by the gap year in Israel. There
are many former MO Yeshiva and seminary heads that have moved to the right in a
big way, relying on Charedi Poskim for guidance. Which is why some parents see
their children ‘Flipping out’ (Becoming Charedi) during their time in Israel.
There was a study done awhile back on whether ‘Flipping out’
during the gap year was actually happening… and if so - what that entailed. The
conclusion as I recall was that these kids were not flipping out at all. They were
just taught to take their Judaism more seriously.
I think that’s true. But along with that came other behavior
that not only reflected seriousness about Judaism but a Charedi approach to it.
Like wearing black Hats; insistence on Chalav Yisroel, Yoshon and various other
Chumros; putting all secular culture in a negative light; turning away from a
university education (even in a Yeshiva environment like YU); And instead joining
a Charedi Yeshiva; and possibly even deciding to join a Kollel and learn indefinitely
after marriage.
Not every student that goes to Israel for their gap year
turns out this way. I don’t know what the numbers are - but many do. I know
quite a few like that. Is that flipping out or is it just becoming more serious
about your Judaism? I think it in many cases it is the former.
There is also the Charedi influences from Israel. They do not impact MO directly. They do however influence
American Charedim. The differences between these two sets of Charedim are huge.
Here is how Professor Wetheimer puts whatI believe to be the major divide between
American haredim, for example, are far likelier than Israeli haredim to seek gainful employment and pursue degrees in higher education. In fact, haredi rabbis in Israel have disparaged this American trend, while American haredi leaders have given their tacit if not explicit approval.
I think that’s true. It is the way Orthodoxy is evolving
into what I have called the ‘New Centrists’ comprised of moderate Charedim and
RWMOs whose lifestyles are essentially be the same.
There is however a trend in the more right wing segments of
the Charedi world in America to emulate the Israeli system – which they see as
holier. To that end they are minimizing or completely eliminating secular
studies in some of their high schools.
There seems to be a tug of war here between moderate Charedim and right wing Charedim. I’m not sure which will prevail. Perhaps there will be another ‘split’ in Judaism that will separate the moderates from the right. I don’t know. But I do know that whatever happens in the Charedi world will trickle down into the RWMO world.
There seems to be a tug of war here between moderate Charedim and right wing Charedim. I’m not sure which will prevail. Perhaps there will be another ‘split’ in Judaism that will separate the moderates from the right. I don’t know. But I do know that whatever happens in the Charedi world will trickle down into the RWMO world.
So there you have it. It is a mixed bag with forces on all
sides impacting each other. I don’t think any of these segments of Orthodoxy
will survive in their present incarnation. I think that after all is said and done, a new
sociologically centrist mainstream will be formed. The only question is, with
all these influences at play - what will it look like?