Friday, March 07, 2025

Why Do They Hate Us?

Kingsley WIlson - deputy press secretary at the Pentagon (JTA)
Jews are a hated people. That is the rule. As much as I would like to live in denial of that rule, I have long ago realized that it is the case.

The great medieval commentator R’ Shlomo Yitzchaki (better known by his Hebrew acronym, Rashi) said Halacha He: Esav Sonei L’Yaakov, he was commenting on the Torah portion that dealt with the hatred Yaakov’s brother, Eisav, harbored for him. But those words have long been interpreted by referring to Eisav’s descendants, both physical (mostly White European Christendom) and spiritual (among them, Middle Eastern Muslims)

Even a cursory look at the long history of the persecution of the Jewish people - lends truth to Rashi’s observation. Whether ancient Rome, the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, or a variety of deadly European pogroms they all resulted in torture, death, and destruction of the Jewish people. Then, in the middle of the 20th century, the granddaddy of all atrocities happened. An atrocity from which the term ‘genocide’ was coined: the Holocaust.

Within just a few short years of that time the ‘good’ Christians of Nazi Germany killed six million of us, with the enthusiastic help of many among the indigenous Christian populations of the countries they occupied.

So, yes. Rashi was right. Eisav hates us.

The reaction of the Jewish people was a determined ‘Never Again!’ But never again isn’t here yet. Sadly, Eisav is still around, and his hatred is being manifested in a variety of ways. From the right, from the left, from Christians, from Muslims. All too often it comes from people with tremendous influence, as is the case with Ye (Kanye West) or with far-right individuals in high-profile government positions. Consider the following case:

Kingsley Wilson, appointed in January to be deputy press secretary at the Pentagon, last year tweeted a neo-Nazi talking point about Jewish lynching victim Leo Frank…

Frank was a factory manager in Georgia who was convicted on thin evidence of killing a 13-year-old girl, Mary Phagan, and was sentenced to death. When his sentence was commuted to life in prison, a mob lynched him. The 1915 lynching spurred the creation of the Anti-Defamation League and is widely seen as antisemitic…

Neo-Nazis have long claimed that Frank was guilty and that the consensus that he was framed is evidence of Jewish control of the media…

(Neo-Nazi) protesters criticized the ADL, and their banner read, “Leo frankly was a pedo.”

In August 2024, Wilson posted the same sentiments on X, above a post by the ADL commemorating Frank’s lynching.

“Leo Frank raped & murdered a 13-year-old girl,” she wrote. “He also tried to frame a Black man for his crime. The ADL turned off the comments because they want to gaslight you.”

When right-wing antisemites are appointed as spokespeople for the Pentagon, or when Ivy League schools defend protesters calling for the genocide of the Jews—justifying it as a matter of ‘context’ and ‘free speech’ it should not be difficult to understand why we believe Eisav Sonei L’Yaakov.

But what about when Jews do it? While this does not happen on the right, it happens all too often on the left. How is that possible?

Sadly, when there is little authentic Jewish content in one’s Jewish education… when ignorance passes for knowledge… when Tikun Olam is translated as social justice for any underdog regardless of context, you get Jews joining pro-Hamas protests. You get Jewish movie directors calling what Israel did in Gaza - genocide. And you get a documentary produced by a Palestinian and a Jew winning an Oscar—with lots of applause from a largely Jewish audience at last Sunday’s Academy Awards presentation.

I have seen this kind of thing before: a Palestinian and an Israeli working together, showing the world… See? We can live together and be friends!  

Israeli leadership, according to them, refuses to recognize this and instead wants to “subjugate and dominate the indigenous Palestinian people as second-class citizens.” These two documentarians want to prove that there is another way. That the two peoples can live side by side with the same rights and privileges.

How I wish that were true. Yes, there are such people among the Palestinian populace. But if October 7th showed us anything, it is that they are a tiny minority.  A fact that is well known and supported by the hateful cradle to grave propaganda of Arabs in positions of power and leadership—whether in religion, government, social service agencies, education, entertainment, or news media. And yet, there are so many naïve people who cling to the notion that the two peoples can share the land in total equality and frenidship.

It is this Pollyannaish belief that dominates the Hollywood left, which is why they can applaud with all sincerity comments that are so naïve! For so much of the Hollywood establishment, social justice perforce means justice without religion. Religious beliefs are an impediment to social justice. No less than they are to the amoral lifestyle so many of them lead.

They see traditional religious values as outdated and an obstacle to their social justice goals. Whether it involves rejecting traditional morality or denying the Jewish people a small sliver of land in the comparative vastness of the Middle East. Land promised to them in the bible by God. All of this contributes to the antisemitism of the left - under the guise that it is the more moral position.

All that being said, I still believe that the majority of the American people are not like their European or Middle Eastern counterparts. I do not believe they fit into the category of Eisav Sonei L’Yaakov. There is simply too much evidence to the contrary. (I have cited many examples before, though they are beyond the scope of this post.) The American people are the exception that proves the rule.

In Europe and the Middle East, the opposite was true. During the Holocaust here were many Christians who saved Jews—risking their own lives and the lives of their families. Probably a lot more than we will ever know about. But still - a relatively small number compared to those who were either indifferent or who enthusiastically participated in Jewish persecution.

But even that could change. I don’t think we have to worry about the ‘Kingsley Wilsons’ of the world. They are convincing anyone.

On the other hand as the left in this country continues to root for the Palestinian underdog while demonizing Israel as colonialist occupiers and oppressors -of the American people a lot  more people could be duped into believing their false narrative. Especially when that narrative is applauded by their favorite celebrities.

It is therefore imperative to ensure that the American public is well-informed about the truth of the conflict which must include Jewish history and context. And not be deceived by a couple of documentary filmmakers, well-meaning though they may be.