Monday, August 07, 2006

On World Opinion

I do not understand how it is possible for the world, no matter how anti-Semitic they are, to miss the fact that so many people in Arab countries support a terrorist organization like Hezbollah. The logic against this type of thinking is over-whelming! It seems idiot proof. Yet this is what’s going on.

Hezbollah (or any Islamist organization, whether it be Hamas, Islamic Jihad, or Al Qaida) is an organization sworn to the annihilation of the Jewish people? Don’t be fooled by references to Zionist entity. That is a euphemism for the Jewish people. Any one who says otherwise is either a fool or a liar. These groups all have one thing in common. They have sworn to fight to the last man standing… to accomplish the eradication of the Jewish nation. The common Arab Muslim holds its leader Hassan Nasrallah up as a hero! Isn’t it obvious that instead of seeing the root cause of the problem, the promise of destruction of an entire nation and Israel’s literal fight for its life, they instead see only “the moment”? They see only bombing raids without context?

It’s obvious to me that generally speaking Arab/Muslims blame Israel for their problems based on the fact that they simply hate Jews. It is obvious that Israel would never fire a single shot at an Arab if they didn’t want us all dead. Yet… the world just stands idly by and allows the Arabs to blame Israel for their problems. Sure, one can have sympathy for the victims. But whose fault is it that there are so many? It’s kind of like blaming someone who is attacked, fights back to defend himself and in the scuffle, some innocent bystander gets hurt. Who is to blame for that innocent person’s injuries, the man who is defending himself from attack, or the attacker?

Isn’t it obvious that the real source of the problem is what it has always been since the Jewish people started reclaiming its holy land? Doesn’t the world understand that the problem began when Jewish immigrants started coming over and started to develop the country, making it desirable to the few indigenous Bedouin Arabs living there… who couldn’t have cared less about it at the time? Isn’t it obvious to the world that the hatred of Jews is not generated by the violence now going on in Lebanon, but that it was already in place learned from an early age? …transmitted from generation to generation… in homes, in schools, and in mosques? Every child is taught that Jews are the devil incarnate, vermin, to be destroyed!

Isn’t obvious to the world that the attitudes held by the Arab Muslims are not unlike those held by Nazis? … Only that this time it is enhanced by religious fervor? Are there exceptions? Sure, there are. But the vast majority of Arabs believe that Jews are evil… and to be destroyed at all cost. And the more religious they are the more they believe it… virulently so!

Sure… there is carnage in Lebanon. Sure… Israeli bombs are responsible for it. But doesn’t the world realize that the “innocent” civilians are imbedded with terrorist Hezbollah fighters who use them either as shields or martyrs… being a win/win for them either way in terms of PR? Doesn’t the world realize that a non-uniformed Hezbollah fighter who dies is automatically defined as a civilian since he is now lying dead amongst other civilians wearing civilian clothes? He has no military uniform. Or military tags identifying him as a Hezbollah terrorist. So when the body count takes place, he is identified as a civilian. The Lebanese government knows this. But they don’t care. They know Hezbollah is at fault. But they don’t care. Thye blame Israel. “Israel is bombing innocent civilians”. No context. Only praise for the Hezbollah’s heroic fighters resisting big bad “paper tiger” Israel. They cheer Hezbollah. And its leader Hassan Nasrallah is their new hero.

I’m sickened by the world’s response. In their hearts they have to know that it is Israel who wants to live in peace. In their hearts they have to know, especially after Olso, that Israel is willing to go the extra mile for peace. But the world refuses to speak the truth. They just look at the conflict and say, “End the violence”, as though nothing else is relevant! Thank God at least one nation (outside of Israel itself) sees the truth and speaks the truth. And thank God it is the most powerful nation on earth… by far! The world can squawk all it wants. But as long as Israel has the backing of the Medinah Shel Chesed, it can continue to defend itself.

I only wish people like Nebraska’s Republican Senator, Chuck Hagel (interviewed on CBS’s “Face the Nation” yesterday) weren’t so stupid. He thinks appeasing Arab concerns is what is in America’s best interest. (Forget about doing the right thing instead of the expedient thing). He thinks that all this violence increases Arab hatred for the US and Israel. How stupid does one have to be? Doesn’t he know the hatred is already there? Doesn’t he remember 9/11? Doesn’t he know that hatred of the US by Islamist Arabs is based on US’s support for the “Zionist entity” whose hatred is in the mother’s milk of every Islamist Arab woman (who are constantly increasing exponentially every generation by virtue of their high birth rate)? Does he not have any sense of right and wrong? What an amoral idiot!

I know it is politically incorrect, but Israel does not need to cease fire. What they need to do is… whatever it takes to win. It’s time to inflict major casualties on Lebanon. We need unconditional surrender from our enemies! We need Harry Truman like resolve to do what it takes. Israel has the muscle. It’s time to start using it and stop worrying about world opinion. Those European cowards are powerless to do anything about it anyway. And when the job is finished and Hezbollah, and Hamas, et al surrenders, the entire world will be better off.