Sunday, October 01, 2006

Teshuva Bein Adam L’Chavero on Yom Kippur

How important is the Mitzvos Bein Adam L’Chaviro? How important is the Halacha of Dina D’Malchusa Dina? The Chafetz informs us.

Teffilas Ne’ilah contains the following statement right after the Vidui of the Shmoneh Esreh: You (God) have taught us to confess... L’Maan Nechdal MeOshek Yadenu, “in order that we may withdraw our hands from theft.

* The Chafetz Chaim once gave a Drasha on these words in his Yeshiva in Radin just before Ne’ilah began. He said: We are approaching the completion of our judgement. The sins between God and Man we have sincerely regretted and repented with our complete hearts. But for the sins between man and man, it is not enough to just regret and repent. We must ask forgivesness from those we have wronged. Without making it right with our fellow man, we cannot be right with God. Even the slightest injustice cannot be overlooked and must be rectified. For example even if one violated a government law (Dina D’Malchusa) so small as not paying a toll at a toll booth, one must rectify it. But since it is not possible to do so at that moment, one must take upon himself to do so immediately after Yom HaKpipurim. This is the meaning of the phrase “L’Maan Nechdal MeOshek Yadenu” to withdraw our hands from theft. Only then are we able to say teffilas Ne’ilah and cross the boundary from last year to this year in peace.

*Adapted from Torah L’Daas

I want to ask for Mechila to anyone I have inadvertently hurt. It was not intentional. And I give my complete and whole hearted Mechila to all.

This post will be my last before I depart for Israel. I will be doing so immediately after Yom Kipur, tomorrow night. I’m not sure when my next post will be up, but I should have computer access during my stay and will try and maintain my pace of at least one post per day. I will be in Israel Through Thursday, October 19.

G.mar Chasima Tova to all.