Friday, April 20, 2007

Two Rabbis

There are two things virtual ink has been spilled on in the world of virtual reality at this moment. One is a letter to the editor written in Mishpahca Magazine about one of my heroes, Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, and the other is an essay written by my good friend Rabbi Shael Siegel. Both of these give me much grief.

In the case of the letter to Mishpacha Magazine, unfortunately it is not a surprising letter at all. I see thoughts like this expressed here all the time. In essence the letter writer states his strong opposition to the views expressed in an article by Rabbi Horowitz who is one of the more sensible voices in the Charedi world. There-in the letter writer expresses his indignation and strong objections to Rabbi Horowitz’s suggestion that the entirety of our children would be better served if they were taught “Al Pi Darko”.

This is, as many know, a subject that is near and dear to my heart. And it is one upon which Rabbi Horowitz and I see pretty much eye to eye. In that column he in essence is suggests that that the curricula of our Yeshivos should be broadened to include more secular subjects so it can address those children for whom the narrow focus of Gemarah study is not suited to their abilities. Not that those children aren’t intelligent. But they just have different personalities and abilities which can be better developed in other areas. This is a constant theme of mine.

But as is often the case here, there are people who cannot handle diversity. There are individuals who will lambaste any divergence from what they perceive to be Daas Torah. They will cite support from any and every source, ancient as well as current. And with those examples they inadvertently advocate the destruction of huge numbers of Klal Yisroel. All because of what they think they heard a “Rav Shach” say... And then will point to what they see as a viable system in Israel that shuns secular studies. Here is one very telling line from that letter:

“The Likutei Moharan (64) explains in depth that secular subjects cause heresy.”

Heresy. I see. That’s what Rabbi Horowitz is advocating. The teaching of heresy.

But, as I said, I am not surprised. I’ve heard it all before. Many times. Right here. And that mentality helps perpetuate an intolerable situation. Those that advocate learning Torah full time for everyone for the rest of their lives to the exclusion of everything else, have developed an educational system that follows that Hashkafa completely. It may be an ideal for path in life for some, but for everyone… it is the road paved to hell on earth. Because not everyone is cut out for that and the psychological pressure to do so overwhelms almost everyone within that system… capable or not. It psychologically forces them to stay in learning far beyond any reasonable time and forces them to ignore, nay…DISDAIN any realistic preparation for their future. In many cases that means a life doomed to poverty and in some cases, resentment. In has even been the cause of divorce and the break up of families. I’ve seen it happen.

But the individuals like this letter writer do not want to be confused with reality. All they know is the word “Gedolim”. That’s all that matters. If there’s a problem The Gedolim will be the ones to solve it. “Let THEM decide” is the clarion call! Well they have decided. It’s called Kupat Ha’ir! That’s their solution. Well, it’s not mine, and it’s not Rabbi Horowitz’s. Kupat Ha’ir is a band-aid to a wound that will soon out grow its ability to protect it.

On the other side of the spectrum there is my good friend Rabbi Shael Siegel. Shael and I have been friends since high school and has one of the most brilliant minds I know. But in his most recent post he crosses a line that I cannot allow to pass without comment.

In an essay entitled, “Hakol Kol Yaakov V’hayidayim…” he takes to task the Agudah position on Conservative Judaism, or more accurately their position on other denominations of Jewry. Without getting into the merit of his arguments, with which I disagree, the extent and tone of his condemnation goes way beyond all decency.

Most people who read this blog regularly know that on some issues I have often been very critical of Agudah myself. But at the same time I know where they are coming from and I respect their views, even when I don’t agree with them. And the truth happens to be that on most issues I do agree with them, certainly on this issue. Those who work for Agudah are some of the most dedicated people in Klal Yisroel. And those who are on the Agudah Moetzes are in the lead in that respect. No one is more concerned about Klal Yisroel than they are. It has been said by some of my detractors that every fiber of their being is devoted to the welfare of every member of the Jewish people. And I agree with them. I have never said otherwise. My disagreement with them has only been in how to achieve what is best. Never that they God forbid didn’t care …or were duplicitous or deceptive.

And that’s what makes me so sad that my good friend Shael has taken this attitude about Agudah. Here are his descriptions. They are guilty of corruption, lies, and deception (Geneivas Daas). Why? Because they claim to accept all Jews as legitimate no matter what their affiliation as long as they were born of a Jewish mother or had a Halachic conversion, yet they will not accept a conversion done by a Conservative Rabbi no matter how Halachic it was.

I do not want to get into the validity of his argument. But I object to the implications that they are hypocrites. It is just not true and to say it the way my friend Shael does is not only untrue but unfair. Agudah, it’s rabbinic and lay leaders and spokesman are some of the most Ehrlich people in the Jewish world. No one can seriously say otherwise. To be so accusatory and inflammatory about them is at best to misunderstand them entirely. And frankly it surprises me. I know Shael to be a kind and gentle soul who loves every single Jew. Why does he not reserve some of that love for his brethren in Agudah? Even if though he disagrees with them and thinks they are justifiably wrong, to accuse them of being liars, etc. is way beyond the pale. And I strongly protest it.