Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hat’s Off to the Chazon Ish

Do those who support the protest rally called for by Rabbi Tuvia Weiss, head of the Edah HaCharedis, believe that this would be approved by the Chazon Ish, if he were alive today?

“THE CHAZON ISH was, in fact, uncompromising with respect to anything touching upon Torah values. Yet the extremism or kana’us that he exemplified bears little resemblance to what often passes for kana’us in our world today, and provides no support for our self-styled zealots.”

In fact the Edah HaCharedis could use a lesson in Kannaus here. Because their attitude is more along the lines of the Jews from before Mattan Torah. Apparently what the Chazon Ish meant by this phrase is that their zeal was not shaped by the ways of the Torah.

Of course I am not saying that the Edah views are not shaped by the Torah. Of course they are. But are they being Roeh Es HaNolad... Do they not see the potential folly? Advocating a rally of this magnitude and saying it will shake the foundations could easily deteriorate into violence and cause danger to life, limb, and property. And this will surely have an opposite effect of that which is intended.

No doubt, if the Chazon Ish were alive today, he would oppose it. And it makes me wonder about the view of the Chazan Ish’s Talmidim, his spiritual heirs of today who live and learn in Bnei Brak. Do they support the call by the Edah for a massive protest? Is the rest of the Yeshivishe Torah world in synch with this? Ponevezh? Mir? Brisk?

We know that Gererr Chasidim aren’t. But I doubt that one can divide the camps along Chasidic/ Misnagdic lines. One thing seems certain. Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblum, who is one of the most erudite and accomplished spokesman for Agudah, and runs Agudah’s “Am Echad” program, doesn’t seem to think the Chazan Ish would support it either. He has not come out specifically with a condemnation of the Edah’s approach. But he surely implies it. My proverbial hat is off to him for his timely article.