Only 4 More Scholarships Available for
The Traveling Seminary
In Yerushalyim
Now Taking Applications!
Would you like to travel and explore Eretz Yisrael?
*Do you enjoy learning through doing - like archaeological digs, snorkeling for techelet snails, dyeing and spinning wool, camping out with the Bedouins in the Negev, milking cows, picking Jaffa oranges, hiking up Har Carmel, cruising the Kinneret, kayaking down the Yarden, floating in the Dead Sea, bake your own pita, take a Jeep ride through the Judean Desert, etc, etc?
*Would you like to stand in the same exact spot as Dovid HaMelech, Avraham Avinu, Ruth and Boaz, Yaakov as you learn Tanach?
*Are you intellectually challenged by lively group discussion with your teachers and fellow students as we dissect contemporary Jewish Law, taught by Rav Ephraim Greenblatt, a Talmid of Rav Moshe Feinstein, z”tl?
*Do you want to improve your Career skills through workshops in Computer Graphics, Reflexology, Web Design, Technical Writing, etc?
*Would you like to unwind after an exciting day with a BBQ, songs, and games around a campfire?
*Would you like to keep in shape with evenings filled with sports classes that offer you Karate, Women’s Football at Kraft Stadium, Swimming, or a work-out at Curves?
This and more is what awaits YOU at Shir BaMidbar Seminary – Israel’s most popular and exciting new seminary for the serious young woman who wants to grow and learn in a non-pressured, healthy, fun environment.
Program begins after Sukkot, October 19, 2010!
Visit our website:
Sign up on line or call for more information:
216-502-2325 In Israel: 054-847-5638
This program fills up quickly. Kindly submit your application ASAP.
College Accreditation Pending