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Flagship School of MO |
The truth is that I have already given my opinion on this
matter. Many Times. To review I predict that Charedim will win. But only in the
form of moderate Charedism. Which is sociologically very closely aligned with
the right wing of Modern Orthodoxy (RWMO). Integrated communities of moderate
Charedim and RWMO already exist and are growing. The Haskafos are somewhat
different but the values and lifestyles are very similar.
The problem for RWMOs is that there is a dearth of RWMO day schools
and high schools. So that in most cases, RWMO parents will send their children
to a moderate Charedi day school and high school that has a good secular
studies department. That is far more preferable to a RWMO than would be a LWMO
day school that for example allows its female students to wear Tefillin during
Because of that, I’m not sure how the Centrist Hashkafos of
RWMO will survive in any great numbers. The only saving grace is Yeshiva
University (YU). They actually espouse the values of Modern Orthodoxy. But
unless a RWMO family is very strong in espousing and living its values and is
able to transmit it to their children, this Hashkafa will be buried in the
Charedi schools their children attend. And those children will not be likely to
attend YU – choosing a moderate Charedi school like Ner Israel for example.
YU will be left to those to left of RWMO. And those on the far left
will opt for a place like YCT ...or no post high school religious education at all
– preferring to pursue their education in a secular university that will advance
their chosen careers.
How all this will play out in numbers per Orthodox segment
remains to be seen. It is really too complex to predict.
First let us define what MO really is and what it
encompasses. Put in simple terms, to be MO is to live and accept the
modern world and to see it in a positive light. This doesn't mean that
everything that exists in the modern world is good. But for those things which
do not contradict Halacha, MO allows it and in some cases even embraces it.
This is in fact the
Hashkafa of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch called Torah Im Derech Eretz (TIDE). It is a mistake not consider TIDE part of Modern Orthodox Hashkafa. Rav Hirsch embraced all elements in secular culture that enhanced
Torah. Which is why he made his famous speech extolling German historian,
dramatist, and poet, Friedrich von Schiller. He saw Jewish values in Schiller.
This is a Modern Orthodox perspective; not a Charedi one that would not even
consider looking at a word Schiller ever said, much less praise him.
TIDE is of course not the sum and substance of MO. There is a wide
spectrum of Hashkafos that is in included in the broad tent of MO. Included are RWMO, LWMO, and what I call MO Lite - which I define as those who focus more on a modern lifestyle thanthey do on a religious ideology. Unfortunately this is how most Charedim see all of MO.
MO does not equal MO Lite. TIDE is certainly a part of MO. And it is certainly not a part of a Charedi world that
rejects all of modernity and uses only those parts of it that they find
absolutely necessary for their lives. Although there are many - probably the
majority of - Charedim that do enjoy some of secular culture, they generally do so with a
sense of guilt. MO has no guilt in partaking of that part of the culture which is permissible under Halacha.
In light of all this, let us address the points made in
DovBear’s post.
1) Yes, Modern
Orthodoxy is losing some of its youth to secularism. Indeed some kids are doing
half‐shabbos (although this phenomenon is not limited to MO) and some are leaving
orthodoxy altogether. It is probably also true that this is partially
self‐inflicted by not providing a proper religious education thereby not
providing sufficient inspiration to our youth.
I don’t think this applies to RWMO education. To the extent
that it exists, it provides just as intensive a Jewish education as does the
moderate Charedi world… with the added benefit of instilling in their students
a high value for secular subjects and a permissible attitude towards the
general culture. Unfortunately there
aren’t too many schools like that. So as I said, most RWMO will choose a
moderate Charedi school over a left wing MO school.
I agree, however, that to one degree or another - the rest of
Modern Orthodoxy not doing a good job with respect to providing enough inspiration for our
2) It is very true that MO is losing some of its youth (and
some of its young couples) to Ultra‐Orthodoxy. And that this too is partially
self‐inflicted by exposing our youth at their most impressionable time to
Ultra‐Orthodox hashkafa and learning.
However, the unfortunate reality is that Modern Orthodoxy
by its very nature does not produce that many Mechanchim. They produce
knowledgeable Baalei Batim who choose more lucrative careers outside of Jewish education.
So, as I said, most RWMO professionals feel
they have no choice but to enroll their children into good moderate Charedi
schools and subject them to that Hashkafa.
3) Yes, YU is in desperate straits. But to paraphrase Mark
Twain, the news of YU’s death is greatly exaggerated. I do not see it closing
its doors any time soon.
4) Although some of its leaders have some Charedi
tendencies, most of them are nevertheless in the RWMO camp. Although I’m sure
they don’t like being put in any camp.
5) What impact will the obscene and constantly increasing
costs of Jewish education have on the future of MO? I don’t know but the
current situation is unsustainable. My guess is that new schools will pop up
that will have less frills and lower tuition. But this is more of an issue for
the left where those tuitions are indeed obscenely high. As I said,RWMO will
opt for the somewhat less expensive moderate Charedi schools.
6) That LWMO is pushing the envelope of Orthodoxy so far is
certainly a disturbing development. In my view they have not as of yet crossed
a line that would put them outside the pale. My hope is that they never will.
But if they do, they will no longer be in the MO tent.
So are we in the death throes? I wouldn’t say that. RWMO will
evolve together with moderate Charedim and both will constitute mainstream Orthodoxy.
I call this new entity the 'new centrists'. They are the wave of the future. Does
it really matter whether they are called MO or not?