Regarding Tzedaka, Maimonides wrote that "The highest degree, exceeded by none, is that of one who assists a poor person by providing him with a gift, or a loan… by putting him in a position where he can dispense with other people's aid."
The Israel Free Loan Association (IFLA) has been helping low-income families and small business owners in Israel for over 25 years by providing them with a dignified way to support themselves when times are tough and when there is no-one else to turn to.
In 2014 we provided over 100 million NIS of loans. But the need is even greater. Israel is a country where salaries are relatively low, and the cost of living is relatively high. Recent surveys show that a disturbingly large percentage of families live in conditions of 'material hardship' – having to chose each month which basic necessities (food, clothing, heat, medical treatment) to forgo. These are not families living on hand-outs, but families who work and who struggle to make ends meet. These are people who deserve help.
Over the last 25 years we have made over 50,000 loans in the cumulative amount of over 200 million USD. But Israel has over 280,000 working poor families. There’s lots more for us to do.
We need your help to help them. A donation to IFLA really is a gift that keeps on giving, because once the original loan that you make possible is repaid, we recycle the funds and make another loan. Your gift will help many more people over the years. (We provide annual reports to named loan funds.)
Please consider making a donation to IFLA. You will be performing the highest form of Tzedaka.
Any amount you can donate will be very gratefully received.
You can donate now to IFLA by credit card, check or wire transfer.
You can honor or memorialize a loved one by establishing a named loan fund with a donation or accumulation of donations totaling at least $10,000.
**Currently, thanks to a generous challenge grant, new donations of 25,000 USD or more will be matched by an additional 50%. So a gift of 50,000 USD for a named loan fund, for example, would become a fund of 75,000 USD **
IFLA is a recognized charity in the United States, Canada, the UK and Israel, and your donations will be tax exempt.
You can read our annual report here.
We thank you very much.
Impressed? Inspired? Feel free to share our information with others. Have questions? Contact us as iflajudi@freeloan.org.il or by phone at +972 54 768 1776 (Israel hours)