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Lamdeinu - a women's Talmud study group in Teaneck. New Jersey |
It’s nice to know that women who so choose – now have the
option of studying a subject that until relatively recent times was closed to
There are some rabbis in Orthodoxy that oppose such study. Their opposition is based on a Mishna in Sotah (Talmud Bavli -21b) that says - one who teaches his daughter Torah – is teaching her ‘Tiflus’. That Aramaic word is most often translated as promiscuity. Why the Gemarah considered it such is beyond the scope of this post.
There are some rabbis in Orthodoxy that oppose such study. Their opposition is based on a Mishna in Sotah (Talmud Bavli -21b) that says - one who teaches his daughter Torah – is teaching her ‘Tiflus’. That Aramaic word is most often translated as promiscuity. Why the Gemarah considered it such is beyond the scope of this post.
Until the early 20th century Torah was not formally studied by
women. Jewish tradition up to that time was that a woman was educated informally
in the home. Their role in Jewish life consisted almost entirely of being a
wife, mother, and homemaker. There was an infinitesimally small number of religious
schools for women up until the 30s.
That was changed dramatically by a courageous young woman by
the name of Sarah Schenirer. She created the Beis Yaakov School system which
that began teaching Torah formally to women. This was a radical departure from
tradition (Mesorah) that might normally have been rejected by the great rabbinic
leaders of that time.
But the opposite happened. The most prominent Posek of that
era, Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan (The Chofetz Chaim) endorsed it.
Although there was some rabbinic opposition, most rabbinic leaders went along. Rabbi Kagan saw the lack of such schools as an
existential threat.
The enlightenment had opened its doors to the Jewish people.
And Jewish women started taking advantage of it. Universities then were even
less conducive to traditional Jewish beliefs or practices than they are today.
In many cases they were hostile to it. The university environment caused many
of these women to abandon observance. Had this situation not been addressed, the
primary source of Jewish education in the home - a Jewishly religious mother - would be lost. The answer was Beis
Yaakov. A school that would instill in young Jewish women the values of Judaism by teaching them
But their Torah studies were limited. They studied biblical
texts only. In most cases that included commentators like the Ramban. As well
as other Jewish subjects like Jewish history and Jewish thought. But the
Gemarah was closed to them. Rabbis felt that if tradition had to be breached it
should be done as minimally as possible.
Along came the 70s. By then societal attitudes had changed
and women were getting advanced degrees right along with their male
counterparts. The idea that women were not suited to advanced study had by then
been abandoned. Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik determined that it was no longer legitimate
to exclude women from Talmud study and launched the first formal Talmud class
for women at Yeshiva Unviersity’s Stern College for Women, giving the very first
class himself.
But what are the implications of this in our day, in light
of the feminist spirit of the times? How far do we go with this? Should we
abandon all differences between men and women? Should women now be given Semicha and become rabbis?
Unless you have been living under a rock, you will know that
there are some rabbis on the left that think so and have started doing it. And
that has created the biggest rift in Orthodoxy since the advent of the
Conservative movement. I am not going to get into the reasons for this
controversy other than to say I am opposed to it. (Been there and done that.)
There is however one major difference which I do not believe
has been addressed. It is a difference that even the most left wing rabbi has
to recognize. And is never mentioned by either protagonists or antagonists. At least that I am aware of .
The difference is in the intensity of Torah study and the time attributed to it
over the course of many years. This ought to be a consideration in the granting
of Semicha. It shouldn’t be just about passing tests.
I believe that on this basis, most women today would not
qualify. There is a very logical reason for that. Women are not required to
study Torah. They are only permitted to study it. And like all other Mitzvos which
they are permitted but not required to do - it is laudable when women do so. Because of
this lack of requirement, there are no major Yeshovos for women like Lakewood,
Mir, Telshe, or Yeshiva University, where the bulk of one’s day and much of the
night is spent pouring over Talmudic texts and their commentaries.
Can such yeshivas
arise? Sure. But they won’t. There simply is no demand for large scale Yeshivos
for women. Let me go out on a limb and say that there never will be. I doubt
that the vast majority of Orthodox women are interested in that kind of
intensive Torah study. They don’t have to be. For those that are, there are
smaller programs available. But not anything near the major Yeshivos. Or even
the smaller ones like them.
It isn’t about intelligence or will. Both men and women
posses the intelligence to do this. And there are surely women that have the
will. They just don’t have the opportunity. There will never be a critical mass
of female students that would populate such schools.
Although I’m sure there are exceptions I do not see women going to a beis hamedrash day after day, year after year studying Gemarah from early in the morning until well into the night.Without the benefit of a large Yeshiva or even the many smaller Yeshivos like it, it is highly unlikely that any women will achieve anywhere near the level of Torah knowledge that the vast majority of men in those Yeshivas do.
Although I’m sure there are exceptions I do not see women going to a beis hamedrash day after day, year after year studying Gemarah from early in the morning until well into the night.Without the benefit of a large Yeshiva or even the many smaller Yeshivos like it, it is highly unlikely that any women will achieve anywhere near the level of Torah knowledge that the vast majority of men in those Yeshivas do.
This is not to take away from what they can and many do achieve.
It’s just that I don’t see the conditions materializing that make it as conducive
for a critical mass of women to achieve as much as men do. Nothing to do with intelligence or
individual motive.
So when I see certain left wing rabbis giving Semicha to
women saying they passed the same exam as men do, I tend to doubt that their level of Torah knowlegde or proficiency is anywhere near the same. They
may have learned the material to pass the tests given. But it is highly unlikely
for women to have studied as much as men have by the time they get Semicha. Albeit
through no fault of their own.
This does not mean that we can’t recognize what women can
and do achieve. Surely we can and should. As Rabbi Shmuel Goldin put it:
"My position is that we are in favor of women’s higher learning and that there should be a leadership track for women," he said, "but it doesn’t have to be the identical one as men. There should be women scholars, educators, leaders and religious counselors; they don’t have to be rabbis."
I agree. This is the right approach to Torah study for women.
Rabbis that want to ordain women need to acknowledge that Jewish education of
men and women are simply not the same. No matter how much they try or want it
to be. It probably never will be.
It is nice to see that there are Modern Orthodox women like
those Modern in Rabbi Fridman’s Talmud studying for purely intellectual reasons
and not feminist ones. Says, Lamdeinu founder Rachel Friedman:
(T)here’s no discussion of such issues among the nearly 300 women who have signed up for the array of Lamdeinu courses.
This is all about the learning and becoming more knowledgeable in Jewish texts. (She) stresses that the study hall is free of any feminist or political agenda. The onetime attorney who left the corporate world to study Jewish texts she said she has long dreamed of creating an environment where women from diverse backgrounds can gather and feel comfortable asking questions and learning interactively.
All I can say about this attitude is ‘Ken Yirbu’. May it increase.