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Daniel B. Schwartz |
For me Centrism is a Hashkfa, which itself is a term we need to define. A Hashaka as I have always understood
it, is an approach to Judaism. One that stems from how one best understands
the essential truths of the Torah.
Centrism is
about what we think God requires of us and what He does not require;. A
Centrist strives to understand the Torah’s philosophical underpinnings and how
to apply them in our daily lives. It is way of living that best accords with what we understand to be God’s design for us - His Chosen people. In short we seek
truth. We choose which ever path leads to it. In seeking that path we do not necessarily choose stringency or leniency. We just seek truth.
Of course
all Hashkafos in Orthodoxy might be defined the same way. So what’s the difference?
It is in where each segment ends up after finding what they believe to be the
truth of Torah.
Centrism is not a Hashkafa which as Daniel points out (as did Dr. Norman Lamm before him) is defined as the midpoint between two extremes. Each of which can shift one way or the other over time. That would make Centrism nothing more a mathematical determination - that would change with the wind irrespective of any ideals. A Centrist has ideals, just like those to his Hashkafic right or left. The differences being in what those ideals are and how we arrive at them.
Even though Centrism has ideals irrespective of where the fall on the Hashkafic spectrum - they do happen to end up in a wide ranging center between right and left.
The term
Centrism was coined by Dr. Norman Lamm, President emeritus of Yeshiva University.
It is a term he quickly rejected after hearing complaints from the Conservative
Movement claiming that they are the true Centrists in Judaism. But he never
replaced the term with another one that would truly describe the Hashkafa he
delineated. But I disagree with him. The term Centrist when applied to Orthodoxy
fits. Because there is a right, a left, and a center. And via our ideals, we
fall in the Center.
What are
those ideals? This is the subject of Daniel’s essay. He happens to link to a few
essays I have written on the subject which explain my views. These are principles I derived
from my mentors and other influences (which can be seen in my bio on the right.)
After studying with these mentors and supplementing their ideas with some independent studies of my own I arrived at my conclusion that Centrism is the essence of what Judaism should be.
Essentially Centrism is the following. The idea that the God’s Torah has primacy over everything else in life. And
it is within that context, that the study of Mada has a high value in Judaism. There are various approaches to the study of Mada - or worldly knowledge. The two
most prevalent are Torah Im Derech Eretz (TIDE) which sees the study of Mada
as a means of better understanding God’s will – and Torah U‘Madda (TuM) as illustrated
by Dr. Lamm’s various models; or as described by Rav Ahron Soloveichik in his 5
perspectives of it.
There is also a cultural
component that allows and even encourages participation in the permissible
parts of the general culture as a means relaxation so that we can better rededicate ourselves to God. And finally Centrism includes a deference for - and adherence to centuries of tradition
that should not be abandoned because of a non Torah based spirit of the times..
(There is
also another centrism that is sociological rather than Hashkafic. Which
includes moderate Charedim and Centrists whose lifestyles differ little from
each other and which comprise the vast majority of Orthodox Jews. But this is not the Centrism of which Daniel and I speak.)
While I don’t
believe that Daniel disagrees with the components of Centrism that I outlined,
he does not see it as a worldview or Hashkafa alone. In fact he says that Charedim and Open
Orthodox Jews can be Centrists too.
This is where I part company with him. The
ideals in which we each believe differ substantially from one another. Charedim believe in Torah only,
They do not believe in studying Mada for any reason other than a utilitarian one..
For example as a means toward Paranasa. And participation in the general culture
is frowned upon – to be done only when absolutely necessary... and otherwise
avoided. Open Orthodoxy on the other hand embraces the spirit of the times to
the point of reinterpreting the Torah so that non Torah ideals can be accommodated.
Centrism is
not - as Daniel suggest - a balance between 2 conflicting ideologies. It is
about seeking truth in Judaism wherever one can find it and following its path.
A path that happens to lead to a broad ranging center between the extremes of
the right and left.
Here is something else I have the trouble with:
For the true Centrist, a robust free marketplace of ideas is crucial to success. Only when one is presented with the opportunity to encounter and consider wide and varied opinions on the pressing issues can s/he determine which approach, which school of thought, enables him/her to achieve self actualization.
To say that
Judaism invites a robust free marketplace of ideas counters the very notion of
Torah as a system of God’s laws. You
cannot entertain a great deal of those marketplace ideas without denying the
Torah itself. Just to make an obvious
point, a Jew cannot accept the ideas of Christianity, no matter how compelling
those ideas may be. Because accepting them takes you out of Judaism entirely and
makes you a Christian.
That said, I
agree that there are a variety of ideas that can be explored and accepted as
truth. Just not a free marketplace. This is the danger of Open Orthodoxy which has stretched some Torah truths
into near heresy as did Open Orthodox Rabbi ShmulyYanklowitz recently did with an essay on
Spinoza. Whose heretical ideas about God got him excommunicated from Judaism. Rabbi Yanklowitz wants to restore Spinoza as a member in good standing. Which is impossible
since his ideas about God are heretical!
In order for
ideas to be debated at all they have to be within the parameters of our fundamental
belief system. Only in that context can we have a discussion, and decide which
ones come closest to God’s truth. But I do agree with Daniel’s following comment:
In religious
sense for the Centrist to arrive at the path that leads him/her most directly
to service of the Divine.
This is true
- and what I said at the outset. But Judaism believes in certain truths. To ‘
ponder all available options’ is to entertain a denial of the those truths which can hasten a path to heresy.