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OU Mashgiach (supervisor) - for illustrative purposes only (Jerusalem Post) |
Food establishments that had only a Rabbanut certificate
were to be avoided. To the best of my knowledge this is still the case. In
fact, many Charedim do not even trust the extra supervision of Rabbanut
Mehadrin – which used to be acceptable until politics got in the way.
Among Charedim, there are few Kashrus agencies that
are considered trustworthy in Israel. Fortunately for them, the largest one in
Israel by far is the Eida HaCharedis. They are considered to be the
most reliable of all - and the most widely used by food processors and
purveyors in Israel.
I am not here to judge the reliability of the
Rabbanut Hechsher. But I find it ironic that two religious ‘rivals’ have
similar views about the reliability of that Hechsher. The newly formed
Tzohar organization doesn’t trust them either.
Last Fall, when I met with representatives of
Tzohar, I was given an example of the kinds of Kashrus problems Rabbanut supervision
has. They were told by a Rabbanut certified restaurant owner that there was had
been no supervision at all of his restaurant. The Mashgiach (supervisor) simply
asked for a bribe in the form of some of their raw product (a steady supply of
chickens if I recall correctly) and that would suffice for his approval!
That is the height of corruption in the Kashrus
business. I don’t know how widespread this kind of corruption is, but I suspect
that this was not the only instance of it. Which makes it very understandable why
they are not trusted.
One would think that such a mutual distrust would result in a joint effort to improve or upgrade Rabbanut standards. Short of that one might expect agreement about establishing a new Kashrus licensing agency that is trustworthy. But neither of those two things are happening.
Starting a new Kashrus licensing agency seems like a good idea that should be universally supported. That is what Tzohar has done by forming Hashgacha Pratit. But that is far from the case. Charedim are clearly upset by Tzohar’s initiative and are fighting it. Although according to a Jerusalem Post article they have lost the fight.
I am not someone that automatically suspects nefarious
motives on the part of the Rabbanut. I don’t think it is purely a desire to retain power and maintain monopolistic control of the Kashrus industry for no good reason.
So why are they upset? I believe it is because by allowing a rival Kashrus licensing agency to operate - it opens
up the flood gates for a plethora of unregulated Kashrus agencies to open up. Agencies that may not be as scrupulous as
Tzohar... or even as the Rabbanut! It would be like having a rival organization to the FDA in America.
As it stood until now, any Kashrus agency
that wanted to do business in Israel needed approval from the Rabbanut and was then
licensed only by them... including the Eida HaCharedis. Hashgacha Pratit is
seen as the slippery slope that will end any chance at establishing universal licensing
standards causing a free-for-all in Kashrus.
The obvious counter to that
is that any standards the Rabbanut may have currently - are too easily observed in the breach! But as noted, I get why the Charedi world
is so concerned. Sure, they want full power to be retained by the Rabbanut. But for the altruistic fear of the deteriorating Kashrus situation in Israel that might result.
I agree that is far more preferable for there to
be only one agency that has control much the same way the FDA has control in America. But only if that agency is ethical and has a history on reliable
Kashrus supervision. The Charedi world that is defending the Rabbanut are the same ones that trust their Kashrus the least! What
will they gain if they are not trusted anyway?!
I would have preferred that instead of a new
agency being created by Tzohar, that the Rabbanut instead got its own act together. That they upgraded
their standards and practices and became more reliable. Starting with a
thorough internal investigation; finding the corruption and ousting their corrupt
Mashgiachim. But that is not and it seems
never has never been the case. Of what value is the Rabbanut Hechsher is to anyone now?!
I have mixed feelings about all this. I don’t like
the animus that exists between religious factions that ought to be natural
allies. I would rather see cooperation towards the same goal. I realize that
Tzohar is more than about Kashrus. But at least in this one area – cooperation would
serve us all well. I would love to see the day when I can walk into a restaurant
in Israel, see a Kashrus certificate, and
then sit down and eat without wondering about the reliability of the Hechsher. Unfortunately,
that has never been the case in Israel. And it appears it never will be.