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Modern Orthodox Couple (Forward) |
It seems that this is business as usual in on the
UWS. Eventually through a third party - she met a wonderful
fellow that was not a part of the community and got married shortly thereafter.
She was well into her late 30s by then. Thankfully she has been happily married for many years now
and raising a wonderful family.
I don’t know how many people have suffered from the ‘syndrome’
of commitment phobia that is so prevalent on the UWS. While I’m sure that there are
people that do get married there - my impression is that a huge portion of
them never do. They just have a singles
type relationship forever. (I have even heard that there are some unmarried
women that have been going to the Mikva so that if a sexual relationship develops
- she would not be a Niddah which would be a severe violation of Halacha entailing the Kares penalty. I don’t know if this phenomenon
is true. But it wouldn’t surprise me too much if it was.)
I have to wonder how this UWS culture developed.
What is it that created a group of young (and not so young) men that have commitment
phobia as part of their personality? The fear of commttment is not exclusive to
the world of Modern Orthodoxy of which the UWS is primarily made up. But I do believe
that my friend’s experience is far more typical there than it is in the world
of the right. If this isn’t a Shidduch crisis, I don’t know what is.
Thankfully there seem to be a new initiative
designed for this community. From the Jewish Link:
The Modern Orthodox communities of the West Side of Manhattan and Northern New Jersey have announced a new initiative, making available dynamic new programs for matching young Modern Orthodox professional men and women between the ages of 22 and 32...
“As singles move past the age of 32 they tend to form less pliable frameworks in their respective lifestyles, making it more difficult to form serious dating relationships. The methods of matchmaking for the 32+ group are different and require much more intervention. We are trying to get more matches formed within a younger age group, thus allowing for more flexibility.”
The upscale events will have in attendance top-notch matchmakers. Tova Weinberg, a well-known matchmaker, has given her full support to the project. She said, “I think what you are doing for singles is amazing and I want to help you the best way I can...”
This program is designed for what is called Modern
Orthodox/Modern Machmir men and women who are serious about meeting a mate. I
have heard this term before. I assume it refers to Modern Orthodox Jews that
are meticulous about observance. The idea of a Shadchan in the MO world is not
a very popular one. But I think it is a great idea. There is nothing wrong
with a 3rd party recommendation for a date. That is – after all –
what a Shadchan does. He or she puts together 2 people with enough in
common to result in a succesful marriage.
That doesn’t mean they can’t still
date in the traditional MO fashion by incidental meetings or being ‘setup’ by
friends. All it means is that their opportunities will now be expanded. That is
a good thing. What about overcoming commitment phobia? My guess is that those
that are meticulous about observing Halacha do not experience this problem as
much… but might have fallen victim to it by simply living in the UWS environment.
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New Shidduch initiative in Monsey (The Thinking Yid) |
But there is another Shidduch initiative taking
place in the Yeshiva world in Monsey. I was linked to a post on a blog called the The Thinking Yid… where this initiative was excoriated! I tend to agree. It seems to be designed to
make Shadchanim rich… or at least be paid extremely well. They capitalizing on a crisis.
3 Shuls are involved. Shadchanim will be
subsidized by wealthy private individuals to find matches for the children of
these Shul members. What is troubling about it is that there will be double dipping. Shadchaim will not
only be subsidized by wealthy individuals.
They will also be paid by the parents of these young people per date. And if
the Shidduch is made, they will be paid a total of between $1500 - $1800 per match.
Presumably by both sets of parents if they are members of one of those Shuls.
Follow the money. Desperate parents are being taken
advantage of. The idea of setting up young people because it is a Mitzvah seems
to be a value of the past.
Now, if you want to get married, it will cost you up
front – and cost you more if you succeed. I wouldn’t have such an objection to
this, if this community would allow for other means of young people meeting.
Such as singles events, or socializing between families. But since these things are at best discouraged
(if not outright banned) in the Yeshiva world I find this to be a highly mercenary
tactic. ‘You don’t have money?’ ‘Don’t bother me!’ says this initiative. That’s called taking advantage of desperate people.
I’m sure the wealthy people subsidizing this are
well meaning. But for me the ‘double dipping’ puts this enterprise into question.
When my own children were dating (not that long ago - at about the time of the turn of the century) they had a
variety of opportunities to meet potential mates. Which included asking people
in positions to do so, to ‘Red a Shidduch’ - Yiddish for recommending my son or
daughter to a potential mate. But my case, there was no fee. In those
cases where the recommendation worked out, we gave the Shadchan a nice gift as
a token of our appreciation. Which was graciously accepted. This is – in my
view how it should be done. Unfortunately
the Shidduch crisis has given way to a new industry that capitalizes on the desperation
of potential clients.
This phenomenon is evident and even more egregious in all the Segulos
for Shidduchim one finds being advertised. I’m sure many people have seen the ads where if you give a certain amount of money to a
particular charity, then a large group of ‘Gedolim’ will pray 40 days and 40 nights at
the Kotel or at some grave-site at midnight for your child to get married. With testimonials from successful clients! That is truly despicable! But paying Shadchanim exorbitant sums of money seems to be not that far behind
in that kind of exploitation. And that’s just plain wrong.