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HaRav Reuven Brand, Rosh Kollel - YU Kollel Torah Mitzion |
To much of the world of the right, YU is at best seen as ‘Krum’ - a place whose outlook on Judaism is considered to have veered off the straight and narrow path of ‘Torah only’ - which is considered the more ‘authentically pure’ view of Judaism by the right. And at worst an institution so terrible that one is better off going to a secular college rather than YU. The reputation of YU is so bad among that segment of the right, that one of the greatest Gedolei HaDor of the 20th century, Rav Yosef Ber Soloveitchik was tainted in part because of his association with it.
This is the way YU has been thought of from its very beginnings. The fact that the Yeshiva included a university program is the reason Rav Elchanan Wasserman, an early 20th century Gadol refused an invitation to give a Shiur there. Even though other Gedolim, like Rav Aharon Kotler did.
This has always bothered me. I could understand that there were disagreements with the Hashkafos of YU. What I could never understand was the level of rejection demonstrated by Rav Wasserman. Which is the path the right seems to have followed and still follows to this day.
In recent years Agudath Israel of America has honored that tradition by refusing any of YU’s Roshei Yeshiva – no matter how much Torah knowledge and Yiras Shomayim they had - to address their biggest event: the Siyum Hashas at the end of the 7 and ½ year Dafyomi cycle. (Which is why I suggested that YU have its own Siyum Hashas on the same evening and make it truly unifying by inviting rabbinic leaders from all segments of Orthodoxy to speak – instead of only rabbinic leaders from the more right wing segments. But I digress.)
This attitude persists among their laity. I will never forget the refusal by the son of a close Charedi friend of mine to date the daughter of one of YU’s biggest Talmidei Chachamim for the simple reason that her father was associated with YU.
He is not alone. I see it all the time. Some on the right do not even consider YU to be Orthodox! Any and all attempts to show that it is – are waved off.
Why do I bring this up now? Because Chicago has a YU Kollel that will join other cities in proving all the naysayers wrong.
Like many other Kollels in Chicago, the YU Kollel Torah Mitzion is a community Kollel that does what is called ‘in-reach’. They reach out within the religious community in order to teach Torah through a Hashkafa in consonance with their parent organization, YU. Which is to fully embrace Limudei Chol (secular studies) as a legitimate and valuable pursuit right along with the more primary pursuit of Limdei Kodesh (religious studies). And at the name indicates they have a strong love of Eretz Yisroel and support for the Jewish State.
Like many other Kollels in Chicago, the YU Kollel Torah Mitzion is a community Kollel that does what is called ‘in-reach’. They reach out within the religious community in order to teach Torah through a Hashkafa in consonance with their parent organization, YU. Which is to fully embrace Limudei Chol (secular studies) as a legitimate and valuable pursuit right along with the more primary pursuit of Limdei Kodesh (religious studies). And at the name indicates they have a strong love of Eretz Yisroel and support for the Jewish State.
The YU Kollel has been here for quite some time. They are about to initiate a program that should be supported by all religious Jews, no matter what their Hashkafa. Right to left.
On May 15th Semichat Chaver will commence. As explained in the 2 minute video below, this is a program that will study Halacha L’Ma’asah – practical Jewish law for our time. It will include teaching the Tamei HaMitzvos – the reasons behind the Mitzvos so as to try to understand the ‘why’ as well as the ‘what’.
For me, there is an additional component that will make this a truly unifying experience. Which will be in the form of presenting to those that complete the program a ‘Semichat Chaver’ which is what the program is named for.
This document will be signed by YU Rosh Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel, Rav Hershel Schachter. That should be no surprise. But it will also be signed by Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg - a renowned Charedi Posek in Israel (and son in law of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach). As well by former Sephardi Chief Rabbi, Rav Shlomo Amar.
If this does not bear witness to YU’s legitimacy – even among the right - I don’t know what does. I believe it behooves the entire Orthodox world to realize that and change their attitude. Either that – or start looking at these great rabbinic figures as Krum too - by dint of this association with YU.
That being said, I doubt the more right wing elements - especially of the Chasidic world - will change their minds. The very fact that this Kollel has ‘Tzion’ in its name means an automatic rejection.
But Agudah does not reject rabbis associated with the State of Israel. That was made evident at the last Dafyomi Siyum HaShas 7 and ½ years ago. They invited then Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel , Rav Yisroel Meir Lau to address the assemblage. (If I recall correctly they were criticized for that by some of their more right wing members and supporters. But to their credit they did it anyway)
Agudah should now take the example of these great Israeli rabbinic leaders and follow in their footsteps. Acknowledge YU’s legitimacy even as they do not agree with their Hashkafa. And make a public statement by inviting a YU Rosh Yeshiva to address the next Dafyomi Siyum Hashas (along with rabbinic figures from other Hashkafos they do not necessarily agree with and yet will surely schedule to speak). And once and for all reject the rejectionists that will bolt if Agudah does that. It is the right thing to do; a step in the right direction; and... it will be a Kiddush Hashem.