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Mirror, mirror on the wall: Who is the Frummest of them all? |
Nonetheless, it is the truth. I never considered myself to
be anything other than Charedi. Even though
I am a Centrist. At least as to what the
term ‘Charedi’ is supposed mean: It is based on a phrase taken from the Book of Isaiah (66:2). God says he will look favorably upon those who tremble at His word (Chareid Al Divorei). Being Chareid L'Dvar HaShem - trembling at the word of God is what being serious about our observance is all about. At least should be.We tremble at the possibility of violating the word
of God.
Rabbi Yosef Bechhofer made this very point to me a while
back, lamenting the fact that the religious right has co-opted that term for
themselves. As though anyone to their left does not have Yiras Shamayim. But why on earth would any Jew be seriously observant if he
didn’t have Yiras Shomayim?!
Let us try and understand what it means to be Chareid L’D’var HaShem. It does not mean being in a constant state of fear. Nor does it even mean always being Choshesh for the Daas HaMachmir - fearing that the more lenient Psak might actually go against the will of God. What it means is that one must follow Halacha and when one has a question about it - they should seek the Psak of a reliable Posek and follow it. Whether it is strict or lenient.
I recall one Gadol (I no longer recall which one) being
upset that many of his Talmidim (students) only followed his Psak when it was stringent! He
correctly expected them to follow his Psak when it was lenient too.
God has given man the right to determine Halachic Psak. That
is the point of the famous statement in the Gemarah (Bava Metzia 59b) by R’ Yehoshua when he
declared ‘Lo BaShomayim He!’ He said it in response to a Bas Kol (a heavenly voice) that
Paskined against the Psak of R’Yehoshua and his colleagues. He countermanded that Bas Kol despite the fact that it came directly from Heaven! And R’
Yehoshua’s Psak is the one that was followed. R’ Elazar who induced that Bas
Kol in order to corroborate his opposing view was put into Cherem (excommunication)
for the rest of his life for doing that!
The rule of Halachic Psak is that when a legitimate Posek is
lenient, one can rely on that leniency and need not
fear that this is not the will of God. It is the will of God that the
Posek be followed regardless of how God Himself might have Paskined.
I believe that the term Charedi as it is used by the religious
right is misused in this sense. Not that they do not have Yiras Shomayim. They
most certainy do. But they seem to be always Choshesh L’ Daas HaMachmir –
fearing they might be transgressing the will
of God by following the lenient Psak.
And if that isn’t bad enough, today their ‘trembling’ has been
broadened to include trembling at the word of man! They seem to fear what those to their
religious right might think if they do not chase down their stringencies. It
has become more important to not appear less Frum that those to
their right. That their own Poskim have always been lenient is ignored in favor of making sure they are perceived as Frum or Frummer than those to
their right.
There are many areas where this phenomenon manifests. But the one that
is the most current is in the erasure of women in the public square.
As is well known, pictures of women that are dressed to Halachic perfection
with respect to modesty are no longer an option in many of their publications. Even
though they know full well that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
It is so disturbing when a woman, recognized as a true Eishes
Chayil is honored for her contributions to an institution – is nevertheless erased
in all of the publicity of that event – and replaced by a picture of her
husband. All while describing her accomplishments! This is happening with increasing
It is just as strange that after singing her praises at a
banquet, it is the husband that stands up to receive her award. There can be
only one reason for this. The fear that they will be perceived as less Frum than
those to their right. It cannot be that what was never controversial in the recent
past is now considered immodest..
There may be a lot of women on the right that don’t really care about this all that much (at least publicly). What they do not seem to realize is the harm this causes to
the perception of women in Orthodoxy. They see no harm
coming from it. But as I and many others have noted in the past, it ultimately
harms the self image of their daughters. And it harms how their sons will perceive
them too. You can’t be what you cant see.
The long and short of it is that many institutions and
publications are no longer just Chareid L’Dvar HaShem. They are Chareid L’Dvar HaOdom. They fear the word of men (to
their right).
Fortunately there is push-back by some truly righteous men
and women on the right, as was the case of a teacher accepting the Teacher of the Year Award at Ateres Bais Yaakov in Monsey. Watch and listen to her
words. They are the words of truth from someone that is Chareid L’Dvar HaShem the way it is meant to be.
HT: Dr. Leslie Ginsparg Klein