Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Yom Kippur - 5780

From the Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur liturgy:
On Rosh Hashanah it is inscribed, And on Yom Kippur it is sealed.
How many shall pass away and how many shall be born, Who shall live and who shall die,Who shall reach the end of his days and who shall not, 
Who shall perish by water and who by fire,Who by sword and who by wild beast,  Who by famine and who by thirst, Who by earthquake and who by plague, Who by strangulation and who by stoning,
Who shall have rest and who shall wander, Who shall be at peace and who shall be pursued,Who shall be at rest and who shall be tormented,
Who shall be exalted and who shall be brought low,Who shall become rich and who shall be impoverished.
But repentance, prayer and righteousness avert the severe decree. 
May we all be inscribed and sealed in the book of life, good health, and happiness.