Friday, May 08, 2020

Gratitude - There Are No Words

A well deserved Hakoras HaTov from Agudah and the CRC

I love Chicago’s Jews. Not that I don’t love all Jews. I do. But there is something special about our Jews. I believe we are more unified than Jews in other parts of the country that have substantial Jewish populations.

I’m not just talking about Chicago’s Orthodox Jews. Although it is certainly true about them (us). I’m talking about ALL of Chicago’s Jews.

At no time has this become more apparent than right now. Much of the world is bickering about who to blame for all this… blaming this or that religious group for not adhering to the guidelines of public health officials.  But here in Chicago - aside from a few instances where guidelines were ignored, we are all more or less trying to adhere to those guidelines. (Even if not always fully succeeding as individuals.) No Shuls have opened in any segment of any denomination.

For me as an Orthodox Jew, one of the things that is so inspiring is how the Jewish United Fund – a secular Jewish charity (commonly referred to as the Jewish Federation) is funneling so much of their money to Orthodox institutions. 

JUF has used their endowment fund, increased its line of credit, and turned to family foundations to increase that support. 

They have been making substantial  and additional emergency allocations to many critical groups that are now working in overdrive to help those in need. The only stipulation being that it be given to those most in need. 

Among those benefiting are: Agudath Israel Kiwi Kids, The Chicago Chesed Fund, The Chicago Center, and The Chicago Mitzvah Campaign. All of which are Orthodox organizations serving the Chicago Jewish community. 

JUF has distributed cash to a variety of other Orthodox charitable service organization to help families with food, rent, utilities and miscellaneous other issues.

They have also allocated money to rabbis’ discretionary funds to be used as they see fit.

(In addition to helping Chicago Jewry, they are also sending substantial amounts of money to help Jews in Israel, Europe, and Russia.)

The amounts total well into the millions and they have promised that a lot more will be forthcoming.

In short, JUF is pulling out all the stops during this unprecedented time of crisis and helping Chicago Jewry survive.

Not that I am all that surprised by their generosity to Chicago’s Orthodox Jewish community. For decades they have been donating large annual sums of money towards Jewish education, from which all Orthodox Jewish elementary and high schools have benefited.

I received a copy of an expression of gratitude to JUF issued by Agudah and the Chicago Rabbinical Council (CRC) for their massive effort - which can be seen above.

This is a true Kiddush HaShem. All the way around. I want to add my own personal public thank you to both the JUF for what they are doing...and to the Agudah and the CRC for their heartfelt expression of Hakoras HaTov at this particular time of crisis. May God bless them all. I am so proud to be an Orthodox Jew in Chicago right now.

It is at times like this when heroes are born. Just to name some off the top of my head:

Doctors, nurses, EMTs… and all the other health professionals as well has the hospital cleaning crews... They risk getting ill (and even death!) to provide patient care. 

Funeral directors and their entire staff dealing with unprecedented numbers of dead.

Law enforcement personnel - out on the front lines serving and protecting an uneasy public.

The people working in essential services (like grocery stores and pharmacies).

Educators (teachers and administrators) many of whom are working round the clock to assure that their students are not abandoned and continue to have some form of structured learning.

Rabbis that are dealing with public and private congregant issues they could have never predicted.

Our elected officials - many of whom have risen to the occasion and are working hard to try and manage the health crisis - and trying to alleviate the financial hardship it has caused for so many.

These are people that work to assure that the public’s vital needs are met while the rest of us stay home - sheltering in place.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention parents. They do not have an easy task dealing with their impatient and bored young children 24/7. Week after week without knowing when this will all end.

I am humbled by the altruism, commitment and dedication. I don’t think the magnitude of thanks they deserve from all of us can be sufficiently expressed. There truly are no words…