Friday, July 21, 2023

The 'Reform' Jews of Bet Shemesh

Image of RBS-Bet for illustration purposes (Jerusalem Post)
I sometimes think we should indeed just write them off. Not that they aren’t all Jews. The people that attacked the religious mayor of Bet Shemesh surely are. Same as  Reform Rabbi Rick Jacobs. All are Jews. The question is whether they are all Jews in good standing or not.

With respect to Rabbi Jacobs or any Reform leader the answer is obvious. A Jewish leader that does not consider the laws of the Torah mandatory cannot be called a Jew in good standing. It doesn't matter how ethical they might otherwise be. It may not be their fault. But that does not change their status. Although I am absolutely sure that he would disagree and denounce me for saying that - this is the truth as I see it.

I think the same thong can be said about the people who attacked Mayor Aliza Bloch. They too are not Jews in good standing. From the Jerusalem Post:

A group of haredi extremists chased and attacked Beit Shemesh Mayor Aliza Bloch on Monday night in the city, Hebrew media reported.

They encircled her, threw bottles at her, and threatened to hurt her if she didn't leave the neighborhood, Walla reported. According to eyewitnesses, medical teams arrived at the scene, protected her from the attackers, and quickly escorted her to the car.

Despite the fact that they are amongst the most meticulous observers of Halacha in all of Jewry, when it comes to being Jews in good standing, I see little difference between them and Reform rabbis. True, they go to great lengths to preserve their ultra religious way of life. One of which is by separating themselves from the rest of the Jewish world lest they be tainted by ‘un-Jewish’ values. But that makes them no more Jews in good standing than are Reform Jewish rabbis who reject the mandatory nature of Halacha. 

The idea that Mayor Bloch is observant is irrelevant to them. They do not see her that way. She is the  ‘enemy’ since she will not allow their extremist standards to rule the city. Mayor Bloch then becomes a legitimate target worthy of insult and injury. 

Let me hasten to add that not all of ‘Bet’ (The extremist suburb of Bet Shemesh) is like that. But there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that at least a significant minority of them are. And it is from among those people that those attackers were drawn. And attacks against religious non Charedi Jews are not uncommon

And yet I cannot tell you how often I hear even mainstream Charedim defend them. Or explain that the attackers are an insignificant minority - which in no way defines them.

Not buying it. 

It might be true that only a few of them have the Chutzpah to actually attack people they don’t approve of. But I believe that they a lot more will agree with their motives and cheer them on. At least silently.

I have said in the past that enclaves like Satmar in Williamsburg are my people too, despite their insistence on maintaining their ignorance of Limudei Chol. This is still true, Which is why I rail against those who insist on allowing them to perpetuate that culture.

But this is not the case with the people of ‘Bet’. They should not be treated any differently than Reform rabbis. Yes, both communities are Jews. But neither are Jews in good standing - albeit for entirely different reasons. And unless they do Teshuva. they cannot and should not be treated that way.