Thursday, July 27, 2023

A Tisha B'Av Mood for the Left in Israel

By Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet

Left wing Israelis take to the streets (JTA - 1/9/23) 
Yesterday, before Tisha B’Av began, I was forwarded  the following message by a student of one of my heroes, Rabbi Aaron Rakkefet.  To list all of his many accomplishments would take a book. Probably several  books. Rabbi Rakeffet is Talmid and of the Rav (R’ Yosef Dov Soloveitchik) and has Semicha from YU from where he earned a DHL. He also studied for a period of time at BMG under Rav Aharon Kotler. After a brief stint teaching at YU, he made Aliyah, served in the IDF, and currently teaches at Gruss. 

The current situation in Israel is of existential import. As such it is an entirely appropriate subject for today.  Rabbi Rakeffet's words follow.

Regarding the situation here, there are five major problems that have surfaced. They will not be solved overnight. I could speak about each problem for endless weeks. These are the five issues that are no longer in murky waters.

1. Since 1904 there has been a total dictatorship of the so-called Left. Begin's election did not change anything. The majority of people with power remained Leftist, by far.

2. The attitude of the "WASPS" towards the Eidot ha-Mizrach has been condescending at best, and hostile at worst.

3. There are endless dogs in Tel Aviv and unlimited children in Jerusalem. The fear of never being able to win an election again is now tangible for the Left.

4. The Chareidim, by and large, do not serve in the army. This is both anti-halachic and anti-democratic.

5. The Chareidim generally (but not all) negate the Core Curriculum. This is anti-halachic and leaves a public message that you will support us.

I do believe a lot of good people are working to solve these problems. The kibbutz galiot is not an overnight process. I am  proud that I have many descendants from the Edot HaMizrach. Afew years ago, I had an engagement party at kibbutz Chafetz Chaim on Chol HaMoed Pesach. The girl my grandson married was from the kibbutz. The table was covered with endless beautiful food. I could eat next to nothing, as it was mainly kitniyot. Ashreinu she-zachinu!

Tzom Kal