Thursday, August 17, 2023

A Freak Accident and a Couple of Weddings

So here’s what happened. My wife had a freak accident yesterday. Long story short her leg got wedged between the front wheel of her car and the paved parking space behind our house.  

That required a visit to the ER. X-rays were taken and it appears that she sustained a small fracture. Thankfully - no surgery will be required.  Just a lot of pain. Which has since subsided a bit. We were advised to follow up with a fracture specialist and podiatrist since he ankle was involved.

My wife scheduled for a CT scan later today. While all this was happening, my great niece got married last night – and we attended that wedding. 

Tonight my grandson is getting married. We need to be there early for pictures. The CT scan is scheduled for about 3 hours before that. We are also involved in preparations for the Sheva Brachos on Friday night. We are also hosting my daughter and her family who came in from South Bend for the wedding .

You are all now  up to date with what’s going on in our lives

Needless to say, it’s been pretty hectic around here the last 36 hours or so - and will continue to be till after Shabbos. All of these things are converging upon us all at once, it seems. 

So for the second day, there will be no new post. And there may not be one tomorrow, either.

At this time I would like to express appreciation to my readers and commentators for your indulgence, your patience, and your understanding as my wife and I go through this unexpected ordeal and our Simcha later tonight.