Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Condemnations -Too Little, Too late

Housing Minister and UTJ head, Yitzchak Goldknopf (Jewish Press)
 “One who makes his friend pale with embarrassment has no place in the World to Come- whoever the Jew is, and IDF soldiers are also included. I condemn this behavior which doesn’t represent the rest of the Torah-true community.” 

As reported in both the Times of Israel and VIN - so said MK and Housing Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf, leader of the Charedi political party, UTJ (United Torah Judaism). He was referring the following:

 In shocking footage from a public train in Israel, a Chareidi family can be seen humiliating and insulting female IDF soldiers riding with them on the train. (See there for a more detailed description of what happened.

I believe him. What happened to those female members of the IDF on that bus is indeed shocking. No decent human being worthy of that name would ever condone that kind of outburst no matter how strongly they were opposed to the IDF and the female soldiers in it.

I wish I could say that is the end of the story, all is well, and we can now go back to our regularly scheduled program.  Which I am sure Goldknopf had in mind when he made that comment. But even though I’m sure he meant what he said, I’m not sure sure it actually reflects the views of the rest of the Torah True community. At least not all of it.

By Torah true he surely means those of us that observe Shabbos, Kashrus, and Taharas HaMishpach –the 3 Mitzvos often used to define observant Jewry. And I’m sure to a great extent that’s true.

Unfortunately it is not as universally true as he suggests. There are entire segments of the ‘Torah True’ community that would either do the same thing this Charedi family did, or at least be with them in spirit. They might not act on it. But they probably do think the kind of thoughts articulated by the family on the bus.

This is not the first time that ‘Torah True’ Jews have done something like this. Recall  how Charedi Jews wearing the uniform of the IDF were treated by ‘these people’. Which was pretty much the same way the female soldiers on that bus were treated. 

So it truth, Goldknopf is wrong. Instead of the word ‘rest’ he should have said ‘some’ of the Torah True community is not like that. Nor is he and the rabbinic leaders he follows absolved of any responsibilty here.

Nor his community completely innocent here. It is no secret that the Charedi community follows the sentiments of the Chazon Ish who used the term ‘Yehoreg V’AlYa’avor’ about women serving in the army. Although he did not mean literally that a woman must give up her life before joining the IDF, at the same time he wanted the Torah True community to know how vehemently he was opposed to it. Opposed even to women joining ‘Sherut Leumi’ - national service which provides Chesed to those in need.

When the most respected rabbinic leader of his time makes comments like this, what should his loyal followers take from that? Although I’m sure he never intended insults to be hurled at female soldiers, it should be no surprise that there are zealots among them who feel no compunction about targeting female soldiers with insult and ridicule.

I doubt that the family that was involved in the actual event looks to the Chazon Ish as their spiritual guide. But I’m equally sure that  whoever they do consider their spiritual guide has no less disdain for the IDF than did the Chazon Ish. I would not be shocked if their leaders make what the Chazon Ish said  seem tame by comparison.

This particular subset of Charedim so despise secular and Dati Jews and their culture that some of them will act like animals in order to make their views known. Every so often it spills out of them like water out of an open spigot. They can’t help themselves. It’s in their blood.

So, I do not believe for a moment that this will be the last time we will see something like this. And out will come the ‘Goldknopfs’ of the world to condemn it. Disavowing his community’s complicity in - or support of it. And then go back to business as usual. Which includes seeing the IDF as a cauldron of evil that is anti Torah  and to be avoided like the plague.

It aint pretty. Just telling it like it is.