Monday, February 12, 2024

The Left Wing Version of Morality

News conference where the president made his ‘over the top’ comment (C-SPAN)
Yesterday, the IDF succeeded in a dramatic rescue of 2 Israeli hostages in Gaza. In the process killing several Hamas terrorists.  PA President (and renowned Holocaust denier) Mahmoud Abbas described them as ‘innocent’ Palestinians. That is how anyone killed in this war is described by Palestinian officials. Doesn’t matter if they were terrorists. They are still considered innocent civilians. Which makes the high numbers they report as innocent civilian casualties highly suspect. And yet this is consistently how the left leaning media reports that number

I am so tired of left wing moralizers. As I have said many times the left believes they have the moral high ground when in fact their standards and in many cases their lifestyles are the antithesis of morality  Especially when it comes to matters of sex.

President Biden does not lead an immoral lifestyle. He is a devout Catholic whose lifestyle appears to be moral by just about any standard. The problem is that he does not govern by the moral guidelines of his belief system. He governs by the standards of a political party that increasingly embraces policies that contradict the moral standards of his church. Which is for example what being pro choice and pro gay marriage does. 

The late senator from New York and ambassador to the UN, Daniel Patrick Moynihan once noted that when deviant behavior reaches a high enough level of saturation into the culture, society will lower their standards. He called it ‘defining deviancy down’. This is what the left has succeeded in doing.  What was once deviant behavior is now celebrated. 

I need not go into all the moral depravity that is now considered normal in western culture. It would take a book. But to cite just one example, the idea of non marital sex that not all that long ago considered immoral is now the norm.  

The more socially liberal one is, the more likely they will depart from traditional religious teachings of morality. On the other hand the more socially to the right one is the more they will value religious teachings. (Although in some cases not in practice - at least in theory.)  This is why Orthodox Jews have been increasingly voting for conservative Republicans. 

When the left tries to dictate their version of morality to Israel, I find it absurd coming from people whose liberal/left values have defined deviancy down. 

It is insulting when a supposedly religious president governs his own nation on principles that his church considers immoral - tells Israel that their conduct of the war is immoral. This has increasingly been happening. As recently as Thursday President Biden said Israel’s conduct of the war against Hamas is ‘Over the top’. Which implies that that Israel is acting with reckless disregard for human life. Which of course strongly suggests that Israel’s conduct of the war is immoral. 

I’ve got 3 words for the president: pot, kettle, black. And this applies to any of Israel’s left wing critics.

What about the premise upon which the president made that comment: The 27,000 ‘innocent’ Palestinians that have killed in Gaza so far? 

That is perhaps the most misleading statistic of the war by far. First because of the source of that number, Hamas. But even if the numbers are that high, Hamas does not differentiate between members of the Hamas ‘army’ that were killed - and actual civilians. 

According to Prime Minister Netanyahu who was interviewed yesterday on several of the Sunday morning news shows, about half that number were members of Hamas. And many of those were involved in terrorist activities against Israel. Which makes them about as innocent as Jack the Ripper. None of the civilian casualties were deliberately targeted. And many of them were used as human shields by Hamas.

That hasn’t stopped Palestinians and the ‘blame Israel first’ left wing media elites from expressing righteous indignation over those numbers. 

Righteous?! Spare me.

The Israeli people deserve to be protected. they deserve to lives without fear of another October 7th. They deserve to have a government that will do whatever it takes while doing their best to spare innocent. Which is how they are conducting this war regardless of these false accusations. The president surely knows that. It’s just too bad that he feels the need to cater to his progressive constituency.   

Thankfully, almost all politicians on the right see it Israel’s way. Most notably Nikky Haley. When she was asked to comment on the 27,000 Palestinian casualties and all the suffering by ‘innocent’ Palestinian civilians by moderator of Face the Nation, Margaret Brennan, Haley refused to bite. Instead  doubling down on Israel’s right to defend itself, fully supporting Israel’s conduct of the war, and reminded Brennen who started this war. 

If only she had a chance…