Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Are the Jewish People Morally Inferior?

The Pres dent expressing ouutrage at Israel yesterday (NBC)
I don’t know what it is that makes so much of the world believe they are more moral than Israel. I don’t think it is outright antisemitism. In fact a lot of Jews  (mostly on the left) feel the same way as they all pontificate about the high number of civilian casualties in Gaza. Almost as though Israel is targeting them. This, unfortunately, includes the president and his fellow Democrats Some of them Jewish (at least by virtue of their birth mothers if not in practice.) 

They are quick to believe biased sources about the casualty numbers; that those numbers reflect mostly women and children. They are quick to believe that food shortages in Gaza are directly the result of Israel limiting food distribution as a weapon. They are quick to blame Israel for all of that. 

That many of those casualties are Hamas operatives embedded into the civilian population is never included by Hamas or the media that reports about them,  

Blaming Israel is easy to do when media focus on the very real tragedy taking place in /Gaza. Hard to watch what is going on there. Israel’s war against Hamas is treated like genocide by some of its critics  

It may be the easy thing to do but it is also the lazy thing to do. The mainstream media unabashedly relies on questionable sources for their information. Sources that have a history of anti Israel bias. Such as Palestinian doctors and nurses, UN relief agencies that actually have Hamas terrorists working for them; and in Gaza based Palestinian reporters. They are trusted without questioning the veracity of their reports. All of them placing the blame for their suffering squarely on Israel. NEVER even hinting that Hamas has anything to do with their misery. It is not hard to go from that to saying that Israel is  committing genocide. Purposely preventing food from reaching them - using food as a weapon. 

Americans rely on the mainstream media for information about the war, It is not to hard even for good people to blame Israel for all that. Conclusion? The Jews are an immoral nation. 

Yesterday was yet another instance of unjustified righteous indignation. This time by the president who said the following about 7 relief workers that were killed by an Israeli airstrike:

I am outraged and heartbroken by the deaths of seven humanitarian workers from World Central Kitchen, including one American, in Gaza yesterday. They were providing food to hungry civilians in the middle of a war. They were brave and selfless. Their deaths are a tragedy.

This opinion was echoed by his staff. Yes it was a tragedy. But his outrage shows that he believes Israel is careless in how they are conducting this war - killing Palestinians indiscriminately.  Implying that the Jews are acting with their typical Old Testament rage. Translation: Old Testament Jews are not a peaceful people the way New Testament Christians (like the president) are. Making the less moral Jews  worthy of rebuke. 

But facts are stubborn things. Israel did in fact take responsibility for the attack. They expressed sorrow, apologized, and explained that it was an honest mistake. There were verified legitimate military targets in the area which they mistakenly believed they were attacking. It happened in the dark of night in a densely populated area off Gaza. They promised a swift and full investigation into what happened.

And yet, the president was outraged - as though they were dropping bombs indiscriminately, hit some civilian relief workers, and didn't care.

It isn’t just the president and his people. So many people (mostly on the left) find it much easier to blame Israel and consider their leaders and soldiers immoral. When the truth is exactly the opposite. As noted by some of America's former generals who remember what happened on October 7. They understand what conditions Israel is fighting under; understand the necessity of Israel achieving its goals; and are amazed at the lengths the IDF goes to to prevent civilian casualties. Which is more than any other nation at war ever has.

Some will say that this is all about Netanyahu. That he is the one to really blame for the ‘inhumane’ way this war is being conducted. Those who despised Netanyahu before the war are having a field day blaming Netanyahu for everything. But as I have said many times - he is joined in his war decisions by a war cabinet consisting of his political rivals. If they disagreed with him, we would know about it.  So,  blaming what happened to the workers from World Central Kitchen on Netanyahu is the same as blaming Israel. This is true no matter how one feels about Netanyahu.

It is mostly the left that feels that the ‘people of the book’ are morally inferior to them. That Judaism is a primitive religion that is grossly immoral by their enlightened standards. That the carnage in Gaza at the hands of the Israelis proves that. 

They do not want to be confused by facts that explain who is really at at fault. They completely ignore that. Hamas revels in the fact that world opinion blames everything on an Israel they say is committing genocide of the Palestinian people. 

This is the reality. I only wish the rest of the civilized world realized the truth. Thankfully there are more than a few people that realize the truth. They defend the Jewish state completely. And realize that the Jewish state is one of the most moral nations in all of civilization. Too bad that few if any on the left are among them.