Thursday, August 01, 2024

An Apology and Appeal for Forgiveness

Rabbi Osher Einsenman (Left) - (Lakewood Scoop)
I am embarrassed to say that several years ago in my zeal to protect the good name of Klal Yisroel I condemned an innocent man for something he was accused of but did not do. Rabbi Osher Eisenman, a  man that is a true hero and above temptation was charged with stealing money for his own personal use from government funds meant for his institution. Yesterday the Lakewood Scoop reported that  charges of against Rabbi Eisenman  have been dropped and the case was dismissed with prejudice by the presiding judge, Joseph Paone.

What kind of hero is he? His story is the stuff of legends. He is a man who saw a need and filled it by building an institution that was sorely lacking in the community in which he lived. 

As the community of Lakewood grew so did the need to provide schools for special needs children. 

In the mid 1990s - sensing the need via his own special needs child, Rabbi Osher Eisenmann founded the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence (SCHI) a facility that catered to these children.  From Asbury Press:  

The school provides educational services for the "medically fragile, and socially-emotionally challenged children," according to its website.  

Starting out in a storefront with 5 students, the school grew in reputation and size into a one that houses 250 students, 450 employees, and ultimately cares for over 600 students ages 3-21. In short, Rabbi Eisenman was a walking Kiddush Hashem. Which was enhanced by a variety of New Jersey state officials like Senator Cory Booker and Governor Chris Christie that have taken tours of the facility. 

In the meantime Rabbi Eisenman had led a simple and modest lifestyle. One which is typical of selfless, giving people like that. 

This is the caliber of man whose ethics clearly rendered him incapable of stealing a nickel of the money meant for his institution..

And yet I believed the prosecution in this case. I have a tendency to believe that people charged with crimes is based on solid evidence of the crime. Obviously that was not the case here.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to apologize profusely to Rabbi Eisenman for any pain I may have caused him and his family by my original post and beg their forgiveness - Mechila  for my part in that. I regret it and again - am truly sorry. I pray they have it in their heart to forgive me. I have removed that post and hope that in some small way I have corrected that error and at least in some small way eased any pain that may have been caused by it.