Monday, August 05, 2024

Begin, Netanyahu, and Iran

Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin
There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that the greatest danger to world peace is the Islamic Republic of Iran. I don’t think this is arguable. There are many questions that this raises which need to be answered.

The first is, how did this happen? How did a Middle Eastern nation that was once the epitome of western values with close ties to the US and Israel become the most extremist religious exporter terrorism in the world? 

That one is easy. It primarily the fault of a man who had the best of intentions. Back in the late 70s President Jimmy Carter saw human rights abuses taking place under then Iranian leader, the Shah of Iran. The Shah  had westernized his country but he did not treat dissent kindly. Long story short there were accusations of torturing dissidents and he exiled Iran's most senior religious leader, Ayatollah Khomeini to France - because he strongly that opposed the Shah and his western reforms. Khomeini nonetheless kept exporting his radical form of Shia Islam from France via cassette tapes to his many followers in Iran. 

Forced by Carter to loosen the reins, the Shah’s life was threatened and he fled the country.  A democratic type government was quickly formed and just as quickly overthrown by the extremist Islamic followers of Khomeini who then returned to a hero’s welcome.  The Islamic revolution was complete and the rest is history. 

Iran considers it a religious imperative to spread the word of God as they understand it to the entire world. And they understand it as the Shia version of Islam (Sharia law) to the exclusion of any other version of God’s laws. A belief that includes a religious fervor so strong that they are willing to die spreading that word. Considering as infidels anyone that does not share that belief with them. And eliminating them if they get in their way. That makes them a very dangerous enemy. You cannot reason or compromise with people who consider martyrdom  the key to the ultimate reward in heaven.  

What can be done about this? How do we stop their pursuit of nuclear weapons that they will surely use in pursuit of their religious goals? Are we stuck with a nuclear Iran that will begin to spread Shia Islam by first eliminating the Jews in Israel and then proceed to eliminate the infidels of the Great Satan -  America? Is this the beginning of the end of the civilized world as we know it?

Declaring war on Iran is probably the best way to stop them. And the only country equipped to do so is the US. But the American people will never stand for sending their sons and daughters into a foreign war 7000 miles away. Too much American blood will be spilled and Americans are not convinced of the existential arguments I am making here. 

But there is another way. One that is being suggested by South African Chief Rabb, Warren Goldstein (See the video below.)

Citing the example of one of my heroes, Menachem Begin who had similar challenges in his day, Rabbi Goldstein says that Begin did the right thing. On June 7, 1981, the Israeli Air Force launched a surprise airstrike against an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor, codenamed Operation Opera, to destroy it before it became operational. The attack, which took place in less than two minutes destroyed the nuclear reactor, Osirak.

Begin had the courage to protect his country knowing Israel would be condemned by the entire world for an action he ordered n order to protect his people. Israel was indeed condemned  by every country in the UN. Including the US under the Reagan administration. The US even supported a UN resolution condemning Israel for the attack

But Begin knew it was he right thing to do and didn't care what the rest of the world thought. Years later, American leaders finally agreed that Begin was right. In an interview in 2005, Bill Clinton expressed support for the attack: Everybody talks about what the Israelis did at Osiraq, in 1981, which, I think, in retrospect, was a really good thing.

Rabbi Goldstein believes that Netanyahu ought to do the same thing to Iran.. Knowing full well that the world (Including the US) will condemn him for it. But he will be doing the world a favor nonetheless. My guess is that despite any such condemnation - a lot of world leaders will secretly be happy with the destruction of Iran’s nuclear capabilities.

I don’t know if Rabbi Goldstein is right. Or if Israel even has the capacity to destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities. But if they do, they should.