Thursday, August 29, 2024

Why School Choice is So Important

Randi Weingarten (R) and her wife, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum (TOI)
I don’t know how many times I have discussed my views about gay people. Surely far too many times to count. But let me repeat, for those that may not be aware of my views, what they actually are. 

First, I recognize that some people are physically attracted only to members of the same sex. That does not make them evil people any more than it does men that are attracted to a woman who is married to another man. People can’t help who they are attracted to. They can, however, help how they respond to it.

But there is an obvious difference between the two examples I gave. The sex drive of the latter can nonetheless still be satisfied with behavior that is – not only permitted – but encouraged between a husband and wife. It’s just a matter of ignoring illicit impulses and redirecting them into permissible avenues.

This is not the case with gay people. Which places them is an especially precarious situation if they want to be loyal to biblical values. Values that are shared by the 3 major faiths. 

How they deal with that is a matter best left to them. We have no right to judge or hate someone because of who they are attracted to. If in the privacy of their own home they succumb to their natural desires, that is between them and God. The rest of us have a moral obligation to respect their humanity and their privacy. To treat them with the respect and dignity due to all of humankind created in the image of God.

But that is a far cry from what has happened in western culture. Which includes not only the US but all of Western Europe. Including that lonely bastion of democracy in the Middle East, Israel. If I am not mistaken Tel Aviv is now the gay-friendliest city in the world! Left wing politicians (representing about half of Israel’s electorate)  have had their way with pro LGBTQ legislation. 

Being gay is no longer something to struggle with. It is almost considered a badge of honor.  Ever since 1973  when the American Psychiatric Association no longer considered it a mental disorder and voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM -  being gay went from being considered shameful to being considered something to be proud of. The biblical values of the 3 major faiths were completely ignored by that decision and slowly western civilization has evolved into considering gay sex completely normal behavior. Where marriage between people of the same sex is now seen as nothing out of the ordinary. 

These are the values being taught in public schools. To the LGBTQ advocate anything less than full normalization of a lifestyle that deliberately and completely disregards biblical values will not do. Instead someone with my view is now considered a bigot for simply believing in the biblical values that have been part of our faith for thousands of years – and considered normal until 1973.

The most troubling aspect of this is that American children are being indoctrinated to this new morality in public schools all over the nation. Reinforced at every level of cultural encounter. Whether it be the news media, entertainment industry, or political discourse. Anything less than complete alignment with LGBTQ advocacy is taught as bigotry of the highest order!

That this mentality permeates our public schools should not surprise anyone. Because the President of the 2nd largest teachers union in the US - the American Federation of Teachers –  is Randi Weingarten,  a woman who is s not only gay, but married to a gay woman. And proud of it. 

Those of us that place any value on the bible ought to be wary of what is being taught in  public schools from K through 12. Students are disabused of any religious value taught in the home that conflicts with LGBTQ orthdoxy.. A policy I'm sure Rand Weingarten fights for. 

Why makes this  newsworthy now? Republican V.P. candidate J.D. Vance had once made a disparaging remark about women that don’t have children. I’m sure he didn’t mean it the way it sounded. It was indeed very insulting to a variety of women who have never gotten married, or those who have fertility issues. However, even though it was made in a disparaging way, his primary point was that people with children have a better understanding about how and what to teach them. Vance believes that the best people to determine that should have children of their own. 

One can debate whether that’s true or not. But it is a far cry from what he is being accused of. 

Unfortunately that’s the name of the game in politics these days. Make the worst possible interpretation of any comment ever made by an opposing candidate and smear them repeatedly with it. 

You know what? Leaving election politics aside I like Vance’s position about what kind of education public schools should be teaching American children than I do Weingarten’s. A lot more.  Which is one very important reason I so strongly support school choice.