Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Victory for Netanyahu

Hassan Nasrallah - currently burning in Hell where he belongs
It must be infuriating for the left and assorted other Netanyahu haters to see the kind of successes the IDF has been having in Lebanon these days. They have been describing his leadership as the kind of disaster that could destroy the country by causing all of its allies to abandon it. Including the US. 

But something quite remarkable has been happening under his leadership as prime minster in recent days. The IDF has just about destroyed Hezbollah’s ability to conduct any kind of war against Israel. So many of their top leaders have been killed in precise bombings that its hard to imagine they have a shingle top leader left to guide them, now. The most important assassination being that of Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s decades long leader who has killed untold numbers of Israelis, Americans, and even his own people. He is responsible for all of Hezbollah’s daily rockets and missiles being fired into Israel since October 8th . He is responsible for building up Hezbollah to massive strength and numbers resulting in the defacto control of the Lebanese government. To the dismay of many of its citizens - who are probably  celebrating just about now.

This achievement should also put to rest any talk about Israeli intelligence having had its best days behind them. Or that they are no longer the envy of US intelligence agencies. Quite the opposite is now true. Even the mainstream media that always does its level best to ‘blame Israel first’ - has been forced to tacitly acknowledge that by virtue of interviewing a lot of past and present intelligence experts who have expressed awe in Israel’s achievements in this regard. I have not heard a single negative comment from them. It reminded me of similar commentary after the 6 day war in 1967.

No one should shed any tears at what Netanyahu did here. He has cut off the head of the Hezbollah snake - an open enemy of America. This is how President Biden responded to it: 

Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror.  His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians. 

The strike that killed Nasrallah took place in the broader context of the conflict that began with Hamas’s massacre on October 7, 2023.  Nasrallah, the next day, made the fateful decision to join hands with Hamas and open what he called a “northern front” against Israel.

The United States fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis, and any other Iranian-supported terrorist groups.  Just yesterday, I directed my Secretary of Defense to further enhance the defense posture of U.S. military forces in the Middle East region to deter aggression and reduce the risk of a broader regional war. 

And yet this very same Biden has been urging Israel to have a ceasefire with Hezbollah. Had Netanyahu listened to him, Nasrallah and all of his henchmen would still be alive sabre rattling against both Israel and the US with shouts of ‘Death to American’ and ‘Death to Israel’.

What the the current and next president must do is stop listening to Iran and their proxies in Gaza and Lebanon to have a cease fire  and instead green light Israel to finish the job.

Religious fanatics like prone to mass murder to achieve their goals like Hezbollah’s late leader, Hassan  Nasrallah and Iran’s current leader, Ali Hosseini Khamenei - are not rational people you can make a deal with that will not further their ultimate goals. They are determined to reach those goals. A cease fire would help them do that. They will make any deal that will give them that opportunity. As soon as they regroup, rebuild, and rearm, they will return to their barbaric terrorist ways faster than a New York minute. Ways that include killing their own people that disagrees with them.

If anything, instead of demanding a ceasefire, the US should publicly declare that - should Israel need them - they will be at Israel’s disposal towards the goal of victory over the evil axis led by Iran.

The only way this can end is NOT by a diplomatic settlement. That is the dream of fools. Diplomacy can only work when both sides are interested in the welfare of their own people more than they are at the destruction of their enemy. Especially when one considers the religious fanaticism behind it. That the current US leadership and his party don’t seem to understand that can have tragic consequences if the pressure on Israel succeeds and gives the axis if evil the cease fire they want. 

The only thing the axis of evil undertstands is victory. A victory where their very existence as a nation is at stake - if they don’t surrender - and agree to the conditions set by the victors. Which in this case would be set by Israel and its ally, the US. That’s how it worked in WWII and that is the only way it will work now. 

Unfortunately the only people that seems to understand that right now is Israeli leadership led by its prime minister and his supporters on the right. (same thing in the US) Thankfully Netanyhu did not listen to Biden’s pleas for a worthless 3 week ceasefire.

Of course domestically, in Israel, Netanyahu’s many political enemies are no less critical of him. They  hate him no less – right along with the left half of the country. Which is also true of the left side of congress and the half of this country. That is really too bad. Because like it or not, Netanyahu gave them all something really great to cheer about.

My reaction? Kein Yribu. May he have many more successes like this.