Sunday, September 01, 2024

Finishing Off Hamas - And Dealing with Iran

Six hostages recently killed by Hamas (ABC)
Six. that is how many hostages were deliberately killed in a tunnel in Rafah by the savages that Palestinians worship as their leader, Hamas. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose parents have become the most recognized spokespeople for the hostage families was among them.

The sorrow I felt upon hearing this tragic news was immediately followed by anger. Anger at how the left leaning media has portrayed the conflict.  

How anyone in their right mind can agree to a cease fire that would allow these savages to live another minute, much less release hundreds of their murderers rotting in Israeli prisons where they belong is a mind boggling disconnect from the idea of a just resolution of this war.

The only just resolution is the complete obliteration of Hamas. No matter what it takes. No matter how many  Palestinian civilians are placed by Hamas in Israel’s path towards victory.

The death of of over over 40,000 (supposedly) Gaza Palestinians is used as the justification by the left for demanding a cease fire. But that is a gross misunderstanding what is really going on here. No nation in its right mind should reward hostages takers by agreeing to demands that will endanger its population. These people need to be destroyed. In the event that any other Jihadist group rises to take Hamas’s place, Israel should take preemptive measures to take them out quickly, regardless of how many Palestinian are placed by them in Israel’s way.

What about the actual innocence of Palestinian casualties. This is not to say that they deserve to die if they did not participate in any terrorist activities. But I have not heard a single Palestinian suffering unimaginable tragic losses ever blame Hamas for what they are going through. Not eve a little bit. They still love their leaders and wish them well. The only thing I hear form them is about Israeli bombs killing their people and making life miserable for them. Not a word about Hamas unspeakable terror on October 7th having precipitated their misery. Not a word about their ‘martyred’ loved ones being placed in harms way deliberately by their beloved leaders. Nope. Not a word. Blaming Israel is often followed by the hope that someday the 75 year occupation of their land will end.

I am so sick of feeling sorry for people that wish us dead. I am so sick of the Biden administration and the left leaning legacy media blaming Israel instead of Hamas.  I am so sick of US pressure on Israel to pull back on their full throttled goal of decimatibg Hamas.

And while I am at it, I am so sick of all the left wing protestors in Israel using the hostages for political purposes. There is not a doubt in my mind that the vast majority  of those proesting Netanyahu now are the same people the protested him before October 7th for attempting to reform the perpetually left wing Supreme Court. 

Israel must finish the job. Netanyahu must not be distracted by the political left in the US or in his own country. If there are more Palestnian casualties - the people to blamed iis Hamas. and the Palestinian civilians that still support them.

And then there is Iran - the source of all evil in the world right now. They are as much to blame for  October 7th  and Palestinian casualties as is their proxy, Hamas. Iran .must be made to pay the price for their part in all this. The idea of coddling them alone is kind of like what British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain did with Nazi Germany in1938. The difference between Nazi Germany of 1938 and Iran of 2024 is that Iran’s supreme leader is like Adolf Hitler on steroids -  because Iran's religious fervor makes them willing to die happily for the cause of spreading their version of Islamic law across the globe. The most immediate task of which is the destruction of Israel and eventually turning the US into an Islamic Republic.

The need to be taken out. If there is any movement that the US should support it is the pro democracy movement. In deed as well as in word.  

I am not a war monger. I was an early opponent of the Viet Nam war. But some wars are just. Even if there are thousands of civilian casualties. The question often asked (usually in a rhetorical way by the left) is: How many innocent casualties does it take to be considered immoral and unjust? The bombing of Hiroshima should give us some idea about that. Over one hundred thousand Japanese civilians were were killed in an instant. Was that justified? 

Doing something like that today would be a violation of international rules of war. But morality is not based on decisions made after the fact. Killing over a hundred thousand people in an instant is either moral or it isn't. How many people think the US was justified when it bombed Hiroshima. Does it matter that it ended the war? Do the ends justify the means?

I think that most Americans would say - even today under the new rules of war.- that end justified those means. 

If the US was right  to do that then. Then doing something like that today should be just as moral  Morality is not  contingent on new rules made after the fact. The only difference is whose ox is being gored. Iran with its the religious fervor is as much an  existential threat to Israel as Japan was to the US then. If not more. 

I don’t like killing innocent people. But if innocent people are going to die, I’d rather it be the other guy’s innocent people than my own. If Iran continues to be coddled, it might eventually be us. It is my sincere hope that whoever is the next that they understand this.