Wednesday, October 02, 2024

My Thoughts as the Year 5784 Ends

Iranian missiles fired at Israel yesterday (TOI)
It’s been a tough year for the Jewish people. Especially those that live in Israel. The repercussions of last Simchas Torah are still being felt, perhaps even more than they were just a few days ago.

As  the year 5784 comes to a close and we reflect on what has happened (and are still happening) we  lament the fact that there are still about 100 hostages languishing under Hamas captivity. With little hope, sadly, of getting out any time soon. Even though I fervently pray that they do.

I’m  also quite depressed about the absolute necessity of continuing the war against the ‘ring of fire’ set up by Iran (consisting of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian surrogates in Syria and Iraq, and of course Iran itself.  All set up for – and each determined to - wipe Israel off the map. I so long for peace!

Israel’s success in decimating Hezbollah, the most dangerous of its proximal enemies, was both unexpected and welcome. At least by the US if not the rest of the civilized world. Yesterday, Iran responded by sending about 200 ballistic missiles into Israel in retaliation for killing the leaders of both Hamas and Hezbollah. But they managed to kill only one person - a Palestinian on the West Bank hit by falling shrapnel from a missile that was intercepted by Israel’s iron dome. That not a single Israeli was killed or even seriously was called a miracle by at least one reporter yesterday.

Netanyahu has promised a severe response against Iran and has the blessing of the president this time. His national security advisor, Jake Sullivan told the media, yesterday that the US is coordinating with Israel about what kind of response that should be. But he agreed that it should be severe. What happens next - and after that remains to be seen and in any event  is in God’s hands. 

My plans to be in Israel this coming Sukkos were dashed by the airline that canceled all flights into Israel until further notice. So I will be spending Yom Tov with my American families this year.

I have no knowledge what God’s plan for the future is for His people, whether individually or as His treasured people.

On Rosh Hashanah God decrees our fate for the coming year. And on Yom Kippur He seals our fate. This is why we pray for God’s good graces on Rosh Hashana asking for forgiveness for our transgressions and that He inscribes us in the Book of Life. 

At this point I ask all who read or comment on this blog for Mechillah if I have done anything to hurt you in any way. It was not intended. For my pasrt I am Mochel – I gorgive anyone who has said or done anything like that to me. 

With that I would like to wish everyone a K’siva V’chasima Tova. May the new year see the return of all the hostages soon to their families. And may the 5755 bring good health, peace (how I yearn and pray for that!) happiness, and prosperity for all of our people – and to the entire world.