Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Good War 2.0

Palestinian protesters on Columbia's campus (Arutz Sheva)
I am tired of the world just standing by and watching our people be killed. Our enemy is determined to commit genocide against us. We therefore declare our right to destroy the enemy by all means necessary. Even if it means sacrificing our own people. 

To that end we will continue attacking the enemy until we get the job done. It doesn’t matter how many civilians die. It is our moral right to engage in armed struggle until we succeed in our goal. We will never give up no matter what the cost.  We have a right to exist as a free people in our own land. There is no such thing in collateral damage in our holy mission.

How many people think Netanyahu said this? And how many people think this attitude is immoral?

I would think basic human decency would militate for a very harsh response to people with this attitude. Killing innocent people to get what you want is about as immoral as you can get.

Thing is it is not Netanyahu making this argument. That is not Israel’s philosophy. It is the philosophy of the Islamist extremists that make up an axis of evil led by Iran. 

This is not something I just made up. It is the mantra of Hamas and their terrorist allies. It is even the mantra of their supporters protesting in the US - as noted by Arutz Sheva:

Last week, CUAD (Columbia University Apartheid Divest) retracted the apology it issued on behalf of Khymani James for his statements that Zionists do not deserve to live and expressing his desire to murder Zionists. The retraction was published a day after the first anniversary of Hamas’ Oct. 7 invasion of Israel...

The apology “does not represent Khymani or CUAD’s values or political lines,” the statement said. “CUAD organizers were complicit in not maintaining our political line.”

CUAD's statement also included an explicit endorsement of violence. “We support liberation by any means necessary, including armed resistance,” the CUAD statement said. “In the face of violence from the oppressor equipped with the most lethal military force on the planet, where you’ve exhausted all peaceful means of resolution, violence is the only path forward.”

This is why Hamas was willing to allow Gaza to be flattened by Israeli bombs. They knew Israel would be blamed for the civilian casualties they are themselves responsible for. They planned it that way and have admitted it publicly. They knew Israel would respond harshly to the mass murder, rape, mutilations, and kidnappings they carried out last year on October 7th.  Point being that they used their civilians not so much as human shields but to increase world sympathy for their cause. 

They have succeeded to the point of the world accusing Israel of genocide. Instead of accusing those really responsible for that, Hamas!  And they are not going to stop no matter how many of their people they are willing to have Israel kill for their cause. 

If they cared at all about the crying Palestinian mother carrying her bloodied dead child after being hit in an Israeli air strike on a Hamas command and control center located in the middle of a sensitive civilian facility - they would have surrendered a long time ago and saved tens of thousands of their own people. But they will keep letting their people die. Because hurting Israel's image in the world is more important to them than the lives of their own woman and children.

Their strategy is working. The progressive left that passes for European leadership sees only a mighty military power (the oppressor, Israel)  killing the unarmed helpless innocent Palestinian civilians (the oppressed) that had nothing to do with October 7th. (Other than to have felt good about that momentary victory for their beloved leaders, Hamas, whose goals they share.)

Netanyahu is therefore correct for fighting the current axis of evil no less than the US and the allies were were correct for fighting the axis of evil in what some have called the good war - World War II. The only way to truly end this war now is with the kind of victory the allies had then. If only the Biden/Harris administration would let them do it. 

But instead of offering their full throated full support Biden/Harris has done exactly what Hamas wanted them to do: Pressure Israel to put the brakes on their war against the current axis evil. Biden/Harris watches the news just like everyone else. They see innocent Palestinians (and now Lebanese) being killed by Israeli air strikes targeting enemy strongholds. Biden and company also watch protesters on campuses demanding a cease fire and demanding that their schools divest from companies doing business with Israel. And then they say things like, ‘They have a point!’ They accuse Netanyahu of not caring enough about civilian casualties.

Israel has to pay attention to what its only true ally says. They have therefore  been held back to an extent. Although not enough to the liking of Biden/Harris.

Biden/Harris wants to see a permanent cease fire. Well so do I. But the only ones that have ever honored an agreed upon cease fire in the past is Israel. Hamas and Hezbollah have lobbed rockets into Israel whenever they felt like it. It was only then that Israel would respond. The only way there can be a permanent  cease fire is if the enemy is completely destroyed. 

And that includes Iran. There can be no victory with out that. Israel is about to attack Iran in retaliation for the 200 missiles they fired into Israel earlier this month. With the blessing of the US. But also with a warning that certain targets are off limits. I believe Israel has no choice but to listen to its closest ally.

I only wish Israel’s closest ally saw the reality instead of the images they are fed on TV and the Palestinian protesters calling for a ceasefire - some of whom think killing Jews is a good idea.

If there was ever a time to finish off a regime whose stated ultimate goal is world domination, now is that time. It’s time to let the dogs out. Israel should be allowed to do as much damage to Iran that it is capable of doing. With the blessing of the US - if not outright joining them in that endeavor. 

The people of Iran  deserve to be liberated from the tyranny of a regime that brutalizes their own women for not covering their hair in public. A regime that jails or kills their own people when they express public dissent. Iran was once a Western style nation that had friendly relations with Israel which had an embassy in Teheran. 

There would be no better service to world than to overthrow a regime responsible for spreading terrorism all over the world. and restore freedom to its people. 

There is no way that a fanatic Islamist regime like Iran should be allowed to continue to exist. They are on the precipice of enriching uranium to nuclear weapons grade. Which pretty much coincides with time when that terrible deal with Iran was supposed to expire. A deal that allowed them to continue spreading terror with impunity. The time to strike is now. Before it’s too late. If only Biden/Harris realized that.