Monday, June 26, 2006

Outdoor Chupahs

I was at a wedding yesterday where the Mesader Kedushin (officiating Rabbi) insisted on having an outdoor Chupah. It was a day of “on again off again” rain. The parents of both the Kallah and Chasan wouldn’t have minded if not for the unsettled weather. After due consideration and a very rainy morning the parents decided to have it indoors and that’s where everything was set up. But the Mesader insisted that if it stops raining they should take it outside. The rain stopped, and they had to move everything outside! Fortunately it didn’t rain during the Chupah. But many of the guests were having a good chuckle about it. It was also very humid and fairly uncomfortable.

If I recall correctly the Shulchan Aruch mentions that Chupos should be outside. But I have been to many weddings that have had Gedolei Yisroel being Mesader and none of them ever insisted on having it outside, especially if it was against the against the better judgment of the parents. Apparently it is not an Halachic requirement. So when I see people insisting on things that aren’t required by Halacha it upsets me. It is one thing to suggest it… but to require it?! Who gives anyone the right to override the wishes of the Baalei Simcha?

The Mesader in this case was a Chasidic Rebbe. I know that Chasidim are generally more Makpid than non Chasisdic Rabanim. But this particular Rebbe is a very popular one and is known to be very progressive and accommodating. Why did he insist on this? Is it because there is some Kabbalistic attachment to having the Chupah under Kipas HaShamayim?

Well if that’s the reason, it is yet another reason to avoid Chasidus as a religious option. The more Kabalistic one is the less rational it seems. I don’t care how caring and kind one is. If he makes decisions based on Kabbala, I don’t want to have anything to do with him.

For those who think it is a Siman Bracha to have it outside… I wonder if there are any statistics to substantiate whether those who have had outdoor Chupas have happier, more successful marriages. I’d be willing to bet that it doesn’t make any difference at all. Succesful marriages have nothing to do with whether one had an outdoor Chupah or not. My Chupah was indoors. My marriage is both successful and happy.

And my children… pure Gold.