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Charlie Rose interiews Putin |
If one wants to understand why it is so difficult
to believe that a highly respected figure in any given community is guilty of
sexual misconduct of any kind, I think yesterday’s revelation about Charlie
Rose is instructive.
I don’t know Mr. Rose. Never met him. But I was a fan. He seemed
to me like a man of great honor and integrity in a business where that is sorely lacking. He had an ability to disarm world leaders
during sit-down interviews on his PBS television show. At 75 years of age, I
don’t know if there was anyone more respected in the television news business
than Charlie.
I am kind of a news junkie. Which is why I have my
morning coffee watching the CBS’s Morning News every morning. I record it since
it begins at 7:00 AM while I am in the middle of studying Gemarah (Daf Yomi). I
looked forward every day to watching a 20 minute uninterrupted newscast by this
respected reporter who along with his 2 female partners co-hosted the show. Charlie
seemed like a mentor to them.
I wondered how those two female co-hosts would
react to the tawdry revelations by his victims about their mentor. This morning
I found out. Clearly they had the right approach. They condemned his behavior
and applauded his victims for coming forward. But you could see the disbelief and
disappointment written all over their faces. It transcended their words. They
simply could not believe that their partner and mentor for whom they had in the
past expressed so much respect and admiration; a man that had not displayed anything
but warmth and professionalism - could have done anything like that. But he
did. He admitted it in an apology he made publicly. (How ‘nice’ that he apologized
now after being exposed!)
This might be one reason why there has been so much resistance by
some rabbinic leaders to reporting suspicions of sexual abuse directly to the police. They look at
the people that have been suspected of it in their own community that
garner similar respect and wonder how it is possible? In many of those cases,
those respected individuals have denied it – claiming that allegations of abuse
are false and the result of some sort of personal agenda. They just cannot get themselves
to believe that an individual that is one of their community icons could ever
do what he was accused of doing.
One may recall exactly that kind of reaction by the Satmar community to accusations of abuse and rape by Nechemya Weberman of one of his ‘patients’. It might now be a little
easier to understand it. They could not – and did not believe this highly respected
man who had ‘helped’ so many teens at risk; a man who exuded an exemplary religious
lifestyle, a man who was so religious; so Godly that he recited Tehillim throughout his trial in his seat next to his lawyer –
hardly paying any attention to the proceedings; a man whose family stood by him and
his denials throughout his trial and after… They could not believe such a man was capable of doing what he was
accused of. He was the ‘Charlie Rose’ of Satmar. Only instead of admitting it, he denied it.
It was pretty easy for the rest of us to see him
as guilty. The cold hard facts of sexual abuse came out during his trial. He was found guilty. But to his peers in the world of Satmar? Impossible. They rejected the verdict and blamed it on lies by his accuser and on the antisemitism of the court and the jury. To them
Weberman was hero being punished because of what he looked like - A Chasidic Jew.
I get it now. After seeing how Charlie Rose’s
colleagues reacted to the devastating accusations against him even after he
admitted it – I can understand why Weberman’s colleagues in the religious community whose
reputation among them was similarly high - reacted to allegations about him when
he denied it.
Much like the denial about Shlomo Carlebach’s sexual abuse by so many of his fans. A man like that?! Impossible. He too was the ‘Charlie Rose’ of his fan base.
Much like the denial about Shlomo Carlebach’s sexual abuse by so many of his fans. A man like that?! Impossible. He too was the ‘Charlie Rose’ of his fan base.
Please do no misunderstand. I have not changed my
views at all about reporting suspicions of sex abuse directly to the police, no
matter how respected the suspected abuser is. That is is a no brainer for me. But at
the same time, I understand the resistance to it.
What is happening now is something I never in a
million years would have believed could happen. I had always believed that sex
abuse was the province of sociopaths that could never gain any respect. Their narcissistic personalities would have prevented them from
How wrong I was! These are all sick
people. They are not always purely evil. In some cases there
is a lot of good in them too. Otherwise they could never garner any real respect
from their community, let alone become icons. Obviously the bad far exceeds the
good. Because they carelessly and recklessly disregarded the value of the human life they destroy. By their disgusting behavior they ruin lives. Apologies like those of
Charlie Rose that come after they have been exposed are disingenuous and pretty
meaningless in my book.
I am still in a state of shock about all this. When
is it all going to end? It seems like every day, new revalations about sexual
misconduct of one type or another comes out about yet another prominent individual
- about which one would have never expected it. How many prominent people are
there that have yet to be exposed? They must all be shaking in their boots!
If you would have asked me just a few weeks ago whether
so many icons would be outed so quickly as remotely abusive, I would have answered ‘No possible
way!’ And yet here we are. The list is of prominent people so accused (going
back to the 70s) is breathtaking. In both their number and station:
Bill Clinton,
Roman Polanski, Bill Cosby, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Anthony Weiner, Roger
Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, James Toback, Kevin Spacey, George Bush (41), Shlomo
Carelebach, Dustin Hoffman, Ben Afflek, Louis CK, Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Moore, Jeremy
Piven, Mark Halperin, Al Franken, Charlie
This is just a partial list. There is probably more to come. Will
it ever end? Who’s next?