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Natalie Portman (Wikipedia) |
The Genesis Prize honors individuals who have attained excellence and international renown in their chosen professional fields, and who inspire others through their engagement and dedication to the Jewish community and/or the State of Israel.Her initial comments indicated that the reason for her refusal to attend was because of ‘recent events’. Which was a reference to the way Israel was handling weekly protests by Palestinians in Gaza amassing on its border. They are protesting their horrid living conditions. Conditions that are due primarily to Israel’s blockade of Gaza.
On the surface one might agree that Israel’s use of live ammunition
against unarmed Gaza civilians protesting the hard life for which they blame Israel - as immoral. This is the way the mainstream media reports it. And obviously how Portman sees it.
The reaction to Portman’s decisions by many
supporters of Israel has been to condemn her – and paint her as a BDS
supporter. She was quick to deny that,
claiming that the reason she refused to attend was because Prime
Minister Netanyahu would be addressing the ceremony and she did no want to be seen
supporting him by her attendance.
I find all of this attention curious. Why does anyone care
that a celebrity like Portman (who is being honored for her very celebrity via her acting ability) is
boycotting a ceremony in Israel? Her views are either uninformed or are more likely based on her
own political perspective rather than on any objective consideration. It is a perspective shared by some of the more vocal critics of the
Democratic Party, who see things the same way Portman does. None of the other Democrats in congres have (to the best of my knowledge) defended Israel against those critics.
Their hate for Netanyahu was
made abundantly clear when he addressed congress during the Obama administration - urging the US to reject the nuclear deal with Iran. Some Democrats actually boycotted Netanyahu's address. But
even those that attended were highly critical of him and the Speaker of the
House who invited him.
Portman was born in Israel. I suppose that is part of the
reason people pay any attention at all to her views on Israel. But being born in Israel does not make her views any more valid that
Mahmoud Abbas’s views are. Abbas was born in Haifa.
Portman is Jewish. Perhaps that is also why she
is given attention. It is true that she is Jewish. She was born of a Jewish mother. End of story. But her lifestyle hardly reflects that fact. Someone whose Judaism consists of marrying a non
Jew (who later ‘converted’) and putting up a Christmas tree in her home, hardly makes her values consistent with Judaism.
Portman is known for her social activism. While some of her activities along those lines may be in in concert with Jewish values, they are hardly exclusively Jewish. True she was born a Jew and that makes her
Jewish. Being born Jewish lends no more credence to her sense of Judaism than it did to Louis ‘Lepke’ Buchalter. He too was born a Jew too. He founded Murder, Inc.
I am not comparing Portman to Buchalter. Just
noting that one’s lifestyle is indicative of their values. Neither Portman nor Buchalter’s lifestyle is indicative Jewish values.
I will take Portman’s word for it and grant that
she does not support BDS. But that does not make
her decision any wiser. As I said, it is likely informed by
her brand of politics. A view that ignores the Israel’s right as a sovereign nation to decide how to best defend
Portman’s views are shallow. She sees what’s on the surface: An oppressed population in Gaza
being controlled by a mighty military oppressor using lethal weapons against unarmed
There is no attempt to understand why Israel, a country that has done so much kindness in the world, found it necessary to protect itself that way.
Israelis are the original ‘Doctors without Borders’. Where ever there has been a
catastrophe in the world, Israel is practically the first one there to help. They
do not look at the race or religion of the people suffering. Even when Israel’s enemies are involved. They saw a need by Syrians injured in their civil war and filled it. They treated them in field hospitals and in even their own hospitals in Israel as needed. Does it make any sense that this kind of people would
use more force than they believed necessary to protect themselves?
If Israel uses live ammunition, it isn’t because they want to kill Gaza protesters
indiscriminately. Even under warlike conditions Israeli soldiers try to minimize casualties to the innocent among their enemies at increased risk to themselves. It was not beneath Hamas leaders to make sure Israel kills innocent children by using them as human shields!
The same thing is happening now. They are forcing Israel into a corner and then crying
foul. These protesters are not peaceful. True they don’t have guns. But they do have deadly weapons such as Molotov Cocktails. Israel is not going to respond with their own Molotov
cocktails. They are going to shoot at someone throwing it at them. The mainstream media reports
this as Israelis shooting at unarmed civilians protesting conditions forced
upon them by the Israeli government. A truly disgusting distortion of the truth.
I cannot stress enough the fact that none of this would be
happening if Gaza’s Hamas leaders had taken Israels gift of Gaza and tried to
build a country instead of spending every dollar they got building terror tunnels
and arming themselves with all kinds of weapons. Including rockets supplied by Iran - hidden among
the very goods that are vital to Gaza. But blockaded to prevent those things being smuggled in and used to kill innocent Israelis They care more about destroying Israel than they do about their own
people. And in the process they get to
blame their sorry predicament on Israel’s blockade.
The protests are about lifting the blockade. And a sympathetic world agrees - completely ignoring Israel’s
security needs.
There is not a question in my mind that Israel would not
boycott Gaza if it didn’t see it as an existential exercise. If Gaza’s Hamas leaders would have taken Gaza graciously and asked Israel to help them build their country, Israel would have jumped at the chance. Israel is not interested in maintaining the conflict. But Gaza’s Hamas leaders see only one goal. And it isn’t about
giving their people a better life. It is about destroying Jewish Israel and
taking the land for Islam.
If Natalie Portman had any real sense of compassion, and
really wanted to help the down trodden Palestinians in Gaza, she should understand
that Gaza’s real oppressors are its Hamas leadership. Her celebrity would be
put to far better use had she not boycotted the Genesis ceremony. And instead used it as an opportunity
to assert the truth about what is really going on there instead of her knee-jerk reaction to boycott it.
Had she done that she would have done more for the cause of Gaza to alleviate its suffering than a hundred boycotts. What she has accomplished instead is giving a boost the Palestinian narrative and has encouraged Gaza’s Hamas leadership to continue their terrorist ways.
Had she done that she would have done more for the cause of Gaza to alleviate its suffering than a hundred boycotts. What she has accomplished instead is giving a boost the Palestinian narrative and has encouraged Gaza’s Hamas leadership to continue their terrorist ways.