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Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Goldzweig, (Matzav) |
When I heard of his passing, that the first thought flooded my brain. Such was the humor of a great man by the name of Chaim Tzvi Goldzwieg. Rabbi Goldzweig was one of a kind. He
was the ‘go to’ guy for any question about Kashrus.
He was Mr. OU. The
chief Mashgiach for that Kashrus organization for many decades. His knowledge of
the Kashrus industry was unmatched.
He logged millions of miles
traveling to all corners of the earth to check on food plants that were
used by companies with an OU Hechsher. His knowledge was encyclopedic. As was his
memory of what each ingredient consisted of. Or how it was processed. Or the
code on the container of a product that would tell him exactly where it came
In Chicago, his home for most of his life – the name ‘Goldzweig’
is legend. Anyone who wanted a trustworthy Hechsher had to have his name on the certification.
That was a guarantee that no matter what slice of Judaism one came from, the
Kashrus was trusted. His name is still on the sign at Tel Aviv Bakery saying
under the supervision of Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Goldzweig. Long after he left town.
He made himself available to anyone who needed him. Many
years ago, the Chicago Rabbinical Council (CRC) had a somewhat shaky reputation
for its own Kashrus supervision. Some people trusted it, and some didn’t. When
Rabbi Ben Shandalov took over those responsibilities for the CRC, he did not
waste a minute. He asked Rabbi Goldzweig to become involved. Once the community
became aware of his involvement, the CRC became trusted by everyone. Today, CRC
supervision is among the most trusted Hechsherim in America. His legacy being
continued by their current Kashrus administrator Rabbi Sholom Fishbane.
His greatness as the unchallenged expert in Kashus was matched
by his honesty and integrity. He did not know the meaning of the word compromise
when it came to Kashrus. He knew what he was doing and everyone knew it. No one
dared pull the wool over his eyes. They knew he could not be fooled.
Superceding all of that was his great humility. And his accessibility
to all – even private individuals asking a personal Kashrus question. You would call him… and he’s answer you - no
matter who you were. I don’t know too many
people that were busier than Rabbi Goldzweig in his prime - during his long
tenure at the OU.
Adding to his personablity was his sense of humor. That was legendary
too, as noted in the above mentioned anecdote.
He treated everyone as an equal. You never felt
uncomfortable around him. He never saw himself as the great man he was. He’d
talk to you as though you were just one of his friends. And despite his illustrious
Chasidic heritage, he never thought if himself that way. He just called himself
the Mashgiach for the OU - even though he was their top Mashgiach for many decades.
When it came to Kashrus - he WAS the OU. He defined what
Hashgacha should be. He also knew a fraud when he saw it, often telling people here
in Chicago that when they are in New York they should be careful about which restaurants
to trust. Many had private Hashgachos that were untrustworthy. He told people
never to rely on it no matter how ‘Frum’ the the Rav HaMachshir sounded or looked.
And to trust only nationally recognized Hechsherim.
My contact with Rabbi Goldzweig was minimal. But he treated
me like an old friend any time I had an interaction with him. He never looked
down at anyone no matter what their Hashkafa. The Bal Koreh in his Shtiebel was
Ira Slotnik, a Modern Orthodox close friend of mine who was meticulous in his
Krias HaTorah. When Ira relocated to New York Rabbi Goldzweig never forgot
about him. When his children got married,
Rabbi Goldzweig made sure to be there despite his extremely busy schedule
traveling all over the world. He had tremendous sense of Hakoras HaTov and would
never have missed them.
Despite his Chasidic ‘look’ and illustrious Chasidic heritage (being the younger son of Rabbi Moshe Goldzweig of Tzefas, Israel) he was
as down to earth as anyone could imagine. I will never forget the time I went
to Great America with my family and found him there together with his children. He
came up to me and said, ‘You know, the popcorn is Kosher here.’ I told him that
I had heard that he has said that, but then he said ‘Yes, but I just checked it
again and saw that the ingredients used are Kosher.
I will also never forget the picture he had hanging on a wall in his house. You could see it as you were going downstairs to his Shteebel (which I occasionally davened at). It was Rabbi Goldzweig and his family dressed in gear of the old west. It was one of those ‘fun’ pictures you could take at amusement parks like Great America. He thought it worthy of hanging up on his wall for anyone to see.
I will also never forget the picture he had hanging on a wall in his house. You could see it as you were going downstairs to his Shteebel (which I occasionally davened at). It was Rabbi Goldzweig and his family dressed in gear of the old west. It was one of those ‘fun’ pictures you could take at amusement parks like Great America. He thought it worthy of hanging up on his wall for anyone to see.
A few years ago, Rabbi Goldzweig moved out of Chicago to a warmer climate for
health reasons. He was sorely missed by those of us that knew him. But now his physical
presence on earth is no more. This
morning when I heard of his passing, I was deeply saddened. Although I
can’t know this for sure, my gut feeling is there is no one like him today.
Very few people who are as great as this man was are as humble, accessible, and
normal as he was. He treated everyone as a friend, no matter how distant they
were from him personally, no matter what their Hashkafa. No matter what kind of
Kipa they wore. No matter what station they had in the community. No one
exuded these traits more than he did.
Even as I reminisce about my personal experiences with him, I
know that I haven’t even scratched the surface of who this man was. But I wanted to pay him a personal tribute
and express my sorrow at his passing. Which I’m sure is echoed by all who were
ever touched by him. I miss him now more than ever. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.