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House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Adam Schiff (VIN) |
Finally! It’s about time someone called out this media hog. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s
mask of impartiality is off. According to him there had to be collusion between
Trump and the Russians to influence the election in Trump’s favor.
Mueller’s committee finding enough evidence to file multiple indictments over the course of his 2 year
investigation; despite what has to be one of the most thorough investigations of its kind since Ken Starr’s investigation of Clinton; despite the fact that
Mueller’s committee declared that there would be no more indictments; and despite the fact that Attorney
General William Barr’s summary of Mueller’s report declared that there was no collusion with Russia by Trump or the campaign.
But don’t confuse Congressman Schiff with the facts. According to
Schiff, there HAD to be collusion – as he has been saying all along! There is
just too much evidence of it. There were too many Trump campaign operatives that
admitted having conversations with Russians - for Trump or his campaign not to have had a hand
in it.
And now we even have a motive… handed
to us on a slilver platter by one of the must trusted members of Trump’s inner circle, Michael
Cohen. He testified that he was negotiating with the Russians on behalf of then candidate Trump long into the campaign for purposes of making millions of
dollars on a hotel deal with them. Trump, Cohen said, lied about it because he didn’t think he would win the election anyway. (Nobody did!).
Schiff must be beside himself. How could Mueller not
conclude there was no collusion?! Schiff therefore continues to insist that
there was. He wants to see the whole report so he cam make his own determination.
That’s nice. I think we all should. But that won't change the fact that Mueller said there would be no further indictments. What happened to his description of Mueller as the most trustworthy person in the history of mankind? A man beyond reproach! What happened to the confidence he expressed in the committee's conclusions?
I’ll tell you what happened. Schiff was sure there would be indictments of the President and members of his family. He was sure that Mueller would prove there was collusion. There HAD to be. There were so may indicators!
At this point let me state the obvious. In the interest of full disclosure, I admit I can’t stand the
guy. Why? He is just so smug and cocksure of himself. So self righteousness. He tries to project an image of integrity and objectivity that is beyond reproach. But he is now exposed for the partisan Democrat he always has been. He can say all day long that it isn’t political. It is.
I therefore agree with the Republican members of his
committee. He should resign as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Which
is in the process of nothing more than a fishing expedition to find some dirt on the President. I can’t believe the American people buy this as a legitimate
investigation now that the man everyone said had impeccable credentials found nothing
indictable about the President on the issue that was in question. Now Democrats are trying to find other issues to question.
As expected, Democratic leaders stand behind Schiff. No surprise there.
But it should not be lost on anyone that Republicans have not asked anyone else
to resign from any of the committees investigating the President. Even though
many of them feel the way I do about them all being fishing expeditions.
After Mueller, there should be little doubt about that. This is now all political. It is the Democratic Party that is doing this. Not ‘congress’. In spite of the fact that Republicans are on those committees. Democrats are using congressional committees to further their political agenda. Which is - at least in part - to regain the White House in 2020.
If you are a
Democrat, it is very likely that you believe that furthering this Democratic agenda will save America from the ‘despot’ in
the White House and his party. A man and party that are destroying the values Democrats stand for. Which are the values of
moral relativism that shift with the winds of time. Having little respect for the core Judeo-Christian
values that made - and still make this country great!
I know that my liberal friends on the left (...and they truly
are my friends - whose views I respect despite my often strong disagreement with
them) will see this the way Democrats do. And reject my take about Mr.
Schiff and the values I attribute to the Democratic Party. I’m sure they see Schiff as a hero. And see the values Democrats stand for as the right ones.
That’s fine. But I stand by my views. As far as I am
concerned Adam Schiff has lost any shred of credibility he ever had. And I stand by my belief that Democratic Party values have shifted based on the changing morality of our time.
Finally, just to reiterate my views about the President, his innocence with
respect to collusion says nothing about his character flaws. Which are many and major. Listing
them would take up far too much space here and are beyond the scope
of this post. Not to mention the fact that I have mentioned them many times before.
This post is not really about Trump. It is about Democrats and their high minded assertions. Fishing expeditions
are not high minded. They are low minded attempts at finding dirt. Making them not much different than what they have accused Trump of doing to Clinton during the 2016 campaign.
I don’t think my opinion about politicians has ever been
lower than they are right now.