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Jane and Bernie Sanders |
Not that a Jew - or anyone else for that matter - can’t criticize Israel. That does not make them an antisemite. But comparing Israel in any way to South African Apartheid
crosses that line. Those who say things like that might think they are fooling people by saying that they are not antisemties because they
are only criticizing Israel (Zionism). Well they aren’t fooling me. Bernie Sanders is an
antisemite. A Jewish one. Yes it is possible for people to be self hating Jews.
First let me dispense with any claim he might make to being
loyal to Jewish values. Once a Jewish man marries a non Jewish woman - as Sanders has - he has
given up any right to claim he cares about Judaism. Because by marrying out, they assure that their Jewish line ends with them. None of their children will be
Jewish. By doing something like that they have abdicated the right to say they are a Jew in any
meaningful sense of the word (except of course by accident of birth).
In the case of Sanders, his values are clearly not Jewish. They are socialist.
Now some of those values might have
Jewish content. But that too is by accident. Claiming for example that his socialist
views are a reflection of the real Jewish value of Tikun Olam is a mere
happenstance. He did not embrace socialism because it was a Jewish value. Even
if he might claim that is why he embraced it. He is either fooling us or fooling himself.
If he truly cared about Judaism, he might start with Kashrus or
Shabbos - 2 of the most basic components of Judaism. And he would surely not have married out.
It is true that as a young man he spent some time on a
Kibbutz (Israeli commune). But that adds nothing to his Jewish credentials. It
only adds to his socialist credentials. For those that are not familiar with
what a Kibbutz is – it is a society in which all property is publicly owned and
each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. If that
sounds vaguely familiar, it should be. It is the definition of communism. Israel
had lots of them back when Sanders was young. Today hardly any exist anymore.
Which brings me back to his embrace of the antisemtic canard about comparing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians with South African apartheid.
If you ask a black South African now living in Israel that lived through that period in South Africa, he would laugh at you.The amount of cruel
anti black legislation and treatment of black South Africans then versus the
way the State of Israel treats its West Bank Arabs now are worlds apart.
I have never denied that life for Palestinians under Israeli
rules isn’t hard. It’s very hard. But Israel’s security needs forces them to do
the kinds of things they would never do under normal circumstances. Let us take 2 examples that are often cited as examples of mistreating Palestinians.
One is the wall built on the border of the West Bank. Yes, that makes it
difficult for Arabs. But it has also saved countless lives that might otherwise
be subjected to suicide missions by a
terrorists crossing over from that area. which used to happen a lot. Ever since
that wall was built, there have been no suicide attacks.
Another hardship on the Palestinians is the consuming and often degrading extra scrutiny they get when crossing at checkpoints. That too is done for security reasons. Not becuase of any inherent racism.
Furthermore, none of
this would happen if Israel didn’t have to protect itself. But a long history of terrorist attacks has given them no choice.
Racism? The Israeli Arab citizen full
citizens civil and full voting rights. They are well represented in the Keneset by
fellow Arabs. As a group they have prospered. If I understand correctly Israeli
Arabs on average have the highest standard of living of all of their Arab neighbors.
It therefore is
sickening to compare a country whose security needs require the kind of vigilance that inconveniences some of its residents to the racist Apartheid regime of South Africa.
Whose fault is it anyway? Who is really to blame for Palestiaisn suffering? It isn’t Israel who does what it has to do to protect its
citizens. It is their own Palestinian leaders. Even the so-called moderates who continue to tolerate if not encourage
violence as a means toward their end. If paying compensation to families of
their suicide ‘martyrs’ doesn’t show what they are all about, I don’t know what does. They continue to use their own people as pawns – labeling them as
victims of Israel when it they who are actually perpetuating their victimhood.
Which brings me back to Sanders and his support of those who say that Israel is repsonsible for the ‘Apartheid-like’ conditions of Palestinians. Sanders is either ignorant or lying. If he was
true to his Jewish roots he would take a closer look at why the Palestinaisn
suffer and blame it on those that deserve it. If he did and was honest about it, instead of clinging to that antisemitic canard he would praise Israel for their restraint in
carrying out their security needs.