Monday, June 24, 2019

The Amoral Abyss of Political Correctness

King David High School (Wikimedia Commons via JTA)
Sometimes I just want to scream. But I suppose this is what you get when social polices are based the politics of political correctness. Policies championed by the Left. Where the ideals of egalitarianism supersede all else. Including religious ideals - or even common sense. Apparently England is in the forefront of such nonsense. From JTA:
The British government declared a top-performing Jewish school to be “inadequate” because it teaches girls and boys separately.
King David High School in the Manchester area was downgraded this year by Ofsted, the British government’s regulatory authority for education, the Manchester Evening News reported last week.
It had been rated by Ofsted  as “outstanding” in keeping with its being one of the top-rated and best-performing high schools in the country but was found to be practicing “unlawful segregation” of pupils “on the grounds of faith and belief and sex.” 
What will it take for these dunderheads to realize that you don’t mess with success? These are private schools. Parents pay big money to send their children to schools like this. They do so voluntarily – even eagerly - I assume because of the very reputation as a top school cited in this article. 

And they are threatened to be eventually shut down because of a stupid egalitarian rule that not a single person cares about except for the most die hard feminist? What is the matter with these people?!

I could understand their concern if the students of one sex were being deprived of the same standard of education as the other sex. Or if the concern of Ofsted was that the school was not offering the core curriculum required of all their schools. Because that would be a deprivation of education. But to consider inadequate the separation of boys and girls into separate schools even though their academics don’t suffer is to spit in the face of their obvious success. How can they even say that with a straight face?

But they did. And their faces were apparently straight. The claim is that… Pupils affected by this segregation suffer detriment. No explanation. Just a statement.

OK. it might be true that there is some ‘detriment’ in the sense that developing certain social skills might suffer. But that is more than made up for by the excellent education they receive. I would go a step further and say that separating the sexes in high school is not only NOT harmful… it is beneficial to the students in that it prevents the obvious social distractions that are inevitable under a coed high school environment.

I’m not saying it is impossible to learn under coed conditions. Plenty of students can and do. But I believe that overall the lack of those distractions are far more beneficial to one’s education than are the social skill learned under a coed setting. 

But don’t tell Ofsted that. They do not want to be confused with the obvious. They are too married to the political correctness of the Left to care about such minor things as religious priorities or a school environment more conducive to study.

What about those social skills? Aren’t they important too? Sure they are. But it isn’t as though those kids never see each other outside the classroom. These are Modern Orthodox kids and they probably do a lot of socializing outside of school.

Like the rest of Europe the UK no longer values religious belief despite their supposed support for the ideals of religious tolerance. They might pay lip service to it. But actions speak a lot louder than words. Their views about morality are no longer based on scripture but on political correctness. In this case to the point of rejecting common sense in favor of an egalitarian ‘ideal’. 

I have long ago concluded that the entire European continent is sinking into a cesspool of amoral ideas. Ideas increasingly based on the socialism of the benighted Left that places religious values (and even common sense in this case) in the same category as dinosaurs. 

Thankfully this is not happening in the US. I do not see anyone challenging the rights of any educational institution to separate the sexes. Many private schools here - both secular and religious (of the 3 major faiths) have sex segregated schools that are very successful academically. For both sexes. 

The issues here are the actual education of the students. Not some contrived version of political correctness. At least as long as socialist candidates for high political office are not elected. God help us if they ever are.  

Meanwhile my advice to the Jews of Europe is to get out of that God forsaken continent (all of it including the UK) and emigrate to the US or Israel . Where for the moment, religious rights and common sense still mean something.