Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Europe - the Toilet of the World!

A more fitting symbol for the European Union 
I have no respect at all for Europe! Just 70 years after the Holocaust while many survivors are still alive , they continue to harass their Jewish citizens. Treating us like ignorant fools whose religious practices are barbaric. The latest event of this kind happened in the French-speaking region of Wallonia in Belgium.

They have joined other European nations (Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Norway) and banned Shechita. Claiming that one of the most humane forms of animal slaughter is in fact inhumane. They actually believe that stunning an animal (e.g. hitting it over the head with a large mallet) before slaughtering it is more humane. The actual facts say otherwise. From a 2004 OU article on the subject 
Kosher slaughter, by principle, and as performed today in the United States, is humane. Indeed, as PETA itself has acknowledged, shechita is more humane than the common non-kosher form of shooting the animal in the head with a captive bolt, for reasons noted above. The Humane Slaughter Act, passed into law after. For objective research by the United States government, declares shechita to be humane. 
They may not realize it. They may delude themselves into thinking that Shechita is somehow inhumane. But such delusions can only have one source: Antisemitism. Whether it is latent or overt doesn’t really matter. In fact latent antisemitism might even be worse than overt antisemitism. Because then they have cover to say their intent is pure. That any perceived antisemitic component is unintended. Fooling themselves into actually believing that their purpose is entirely based on ethics. Besides, what do those ignorant backward Jews know anyway?!

This is not surprising to me. As a former Israeli Prime Minister once said about, another European nation (Poland):  "(They) suck it in with their mother's milk!" While it is more blatant in Poland it exists all over the European continent.

One might have thought that Belgium, a country that has been a generous host to the Jewish people for many generations would respect our traditions. But they only pretend to. Given the opportunity, they will stick to us every time.

In fact they place zero value on any ancient religion. Ascribing zero ethics to any of them. Religions are archaic and clearly unethical by the standards of the European ‘enlightened mind’. The fact is however that many if not most Europeans are a godless people despite the fact their respective nations each have their own official religion.  

When Rashi said ‘Halacha Hee, Esav Sonei L’Yaakov’ he knew what he was talking about. He was talking about the ‘Esav’ he knew. The only Esav that existed in his day. The European Esav.  Whose descendants are alive and well all over the European continent. They seem to somehow always find ways to find ways to legislate laws that hurt the Jewish people.

While there are a lot of Chasidei Umos HaOlam (righteous gentiles) among the Esavs of the world, it has been my observation that the majority of them hate us and the moral standards that we ‘inflicted’ upon the world via our Torah (their old testament).  Judaism brought morality into the world. The modern European will have none of that. They LOVE immorality. They believe in the motto of ‘If it feels good do it’ more than the American youth culture of the 60s who coined the phrase.

The only way they can have it with any kind of conscience is by discrediting the very thing that established that morality in the first place. The Torah. By declaring the Torah requirement of Shechita inhumane – then by association - anything else in the Torah is fair game. So that if the Torah says certain kinds of behaviors are immoral, they will respond ‘Who cares what the Torah says?!’ ‘The Torah’s ethics are obsolete, unethical, and irrelevant to the times since we now know better based on our own superior modern day knowledge.’

This attitude is also expressed by their antipathy for the Jewish state - even while pretending to support it. Their views on the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians always seems to favor the Palestinian side. Is it not true that almost every time there is a vote in the UN Security Council to condemn Israel, the European nations support it? ...that if not for the US vetoing it - it would pass every time?!

Which is why I always say that I could not care less if Europe sinks into the ground. In the meantime I would urge all of European Jewry (accompanied by the Chasidei Umos HaOlam) to  get the heck out of there post haste - before it’s too late.