Last year, I had hoped that the plague of COVID would be a distant memory by now. Alas, it’s still around and doing some damage to a few of us. The good news is that so far the mutations of the original virus seem not to be as deadly. I believe that there have been very few deaths attributed to the latest and currently most dominant variant. That’s probably also due to the fact that most of us have been vaccinated and the fact that we have learned how to more effectively treat the disease once contracted. But according to health experts, we have not yet reached the endemic stage where we can pretty much not worry about it - and live with it the same way we do with the common cold or the flu.
That said, we are in better shape than last year, which was better than the year before. We are going in the right direction and that is cause for optimism. This Pesach we return to a near normal – if somewhat permanently altered lifestyle. Altered by our experiences during the height of the pandemic. It is with this in mind that I again want to wish all of my readers and commentators an upbeat and enjoyable Yom Tov this year. May all of the last 3 years indeed become a distant memory next year.
Chag Kosher V’Sameach.
Why are Women Required to Recite the Haggadah
Maschil B'Gnus U'Mesayem B'Shvach