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Fuentes, Trump, West... and Torah U'Mesorah, - Besties? (CBC) |
Even if one would believe what he said. That he ‘didn’t know’ the uninvited guest was a Holocaust denier and rabid antisemite, how did he not condemn them after finding out? Furthermore, why did he invite West in the first place - someone he knew was an antisemite? What kind of human being does that?
Only somebody that sees value only in himself to the extent that - whatever problems there are in the world, he says, ‘Only I can fix it!’ And is therefore willing to consort with the devil if it can get him re-elected!
What kind of example does this set for the children educated under their auspices? Or for the rest of us for that matter?
Torah U’Mesorah is a mainstream Orthodox umbrella organization that ‘presides’ over a schools with variety of Hashkafos. From Centrist schools to mainstream Yeshiva type schools. Their reach is huge. They are one of the primary reasons for the success of the day school movement.
The vast majority of Orthodox religious elementary schools all over the country are directly or indirectly affiliated with them. They currently have about 760 schools educating over 250,000 children.
Torah U’Mesorah has been a real force for good. Helping to perpetuate Judaism by teaching Jewish beliefs, values, and customs to our young ever since its founding back in the 40s. Its founder was Torah Vodaath Rosh HaYeshiva, R’ Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz - one of the greatest leaders of that generation. If there is any one person that can be credited with perpetuating observant Judaism it is him.
His vision for the future of Judaism was realized and resulted in the massive explosion of observant Jewry that exists today. Which, in my view is currently the best hope for the survival of Judaism going forward. His sense of values and ethics, were impeccable. He understood the value of a solid religious education accompanied by a solid secular education, That was his legacy. Which his Yeshiva still follows today. If he were still alive, I believe that he would surely be sickened by what Torah U’Mesorah’s current leaders are doing to that legacy.
I don’t know who Torah U’Mesorah’s Poskim are. But I’m pretty sure they look to the type of people that are on the Agudah Moetzes. If that is indeed the case and they were consulted, how could they allow it?
The Gemara (Sanhedrin 97A ) tells us that in the generation of the coming of Moshiach, the face (of the leaders) of the generation will be like the face of a dog.
A dog running in front of its master seems to be leading him. But in reality the master is in control as the dog keeps checking to see where the master is going and ultimately follows him. Is the ’face’ of our leaders now the face of the ‘dog’ described in that Gemara? Seeming to lead but looking over their shoulders to see what they think is expedient? Are they thinking Trump might win in 2024? …and covering their bets? That is NOT leadership!
I get that Torah U’Mesorah might want to express gratitude by honoring a former President for all the many things he did for Israel - and the things he did that benefitted Orthodox Jews here (like his conservative Supreme Court appointees – among other things). But that has already been done many times over - long ago while he was still president.
Doing so once again now - after the events of January 6th and his recent encounter with those 2 anitsemites, by inviting him to speak makes no sense. It would be one thing if they simply chose not to comment about those events. Even though I firmly believe they should have. (Did They? I don’t know.) But to ignore all of that and accord him honor by inviting him to speak is inexplicable.
This is a black mark on the entire world of mainstream Orthodoxy. To say I am disappointed is a massive understatement. What in the world are they thinking?