Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Giving It Up For the Sake of My People

R' Chaim wearing pants (I assume) - similar to the ones I bought  (I'm sure)
Fin Odess biz Abisk, trugt a fix a bix in pisk. Said that 10 times fast. Just thought I’d mention it..

Be that as it may, I am about to make a huge sacrifice.. Yes, ladies and gentleman I am giving up the love of my life. A constant companion that I was very close to and will miss dearly. But I have been told that there is a great need out there. So I am going to do this for my people. 

I hereby announce that in honor of the holiday of Purim, I am going to auction off a pair of slightly torn pants that I purchased used from the late Rav Cham Kanievsky. I bought his holey pants over 30 years ago and have been wearing them daily ever since.  Although my pants and I have always been very close over these many years, I am doing this for my people. They will  be hard to part with and I will miss them dearly. But duty calls. Some things are just bigger than you and me.  

Speaking of pants - I have never been clear on whether pants is singular or plural. And why are pants referred to as a ‘pair’? There is only one item there?  

And another thing. Speaking of the late Rav Cham - why are people that died always called late?  Late? Rav Chaim’s not late! He’s not coming! 

But I digress.

These pants have been authenticated by the always late -‘Big’ Gedalyahu Goomber who identifies himself as a grandson of, and former aide to, R Chaim. 

Bidding starts at $3200. .
