Monday, October 02, 2023

Is Elon Musk an Antisemite?

That question is pretty silly considering the amount of broad support he has gotten from a wide range of Jewish leaders. Leaders, however, that  do not fit the mold of the liberal left secular pundits that reflect the majority of Jews in the US. 

This has been demonstrated by the outarge over Musk’s free speech policy on X (formally Twitter) that seems to allow hate speech to flourish against the Jewish people.

Twitter one might recall was the favored medium of former President  Donald Trump in order to bash and inlsult people he didn’t like or agree with. He was banned from that social media platform for a long time and has since been reinstated. But I digress

Needless to say there has been an increase in antisemitc hate speech against the Jewish people on X. The ADL’s Jonathan Greenbalt has blasted Musk for allowing it. Suggesting advertisers boycott it.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Musk during his visit to the US to address the UN. That conversation was very positive. 

But as expected, this did not help Musk’s cause since the majority of American Jews (who are secular and left leaning) can’t stand Netanyahu. The left leaning media went along with the criticism of Musk.

But Elon Musk was not having any of it. He suggested to conservative talk show host Ben Shapiro that he host a discussion with Musk on this very subject.  Shapiro accepted and co-hosted it with Rabbi Ari Lamm (a grandson of the late Rabbi Norman Lamm). 

There was nothing but effusive praise for Musk by all parties concerned. The list of speakers on behalf of Musk was quite impressive, Among others, it included former Israeli president, Reuven Rivlin, Simon Weisenhal Center Associate Drecteor, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Natan Sharansky, and Alan Dershowitz.  

There were some pretty strong words fom co-host Rabbi Ari Lamm about  Greenblatt. He said that Amreicn Jews should not look to Greenblatt as any kind of leader in the Jewish community since Greenblatt didn’t even pretend to play in the field of great Jewish ideas. American Jews would do far better by looking to great leaders like Rav Heshel Schachter and Rav Asher Weiss for leadership.

No argument here.