Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Some Mostly Positive Devlopments

It seems that Agudah has had a change of heart. In a press release they said the following: 

Two Jewish organizations – the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations – are organizing a mass rally in Washington, D.C. next Tuesday November 14 to show solidarity with Israel and to urge the US government to stand firm in its support. 

In light of the ongoing life-threatening danger confronting Israeli soldiers and all of our dear brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel, and with great concern about the extremely volatile political climate here in the United States, we feel it is important, midarchei ha’shtadlonus, that there be a large turnout at this event. Accordingly, and in consultation with our rabbinic leadership, we are circulating to our friends and constituents information about the rally. More information will be available here in the coming days. 

I am very happy to see this. Because in the past, Agudah was at best neutral about joining rallies for Israel that were in any way connected to non Orthodox agencies. They did however say that they would not object if anyone wanted to attend those rallies on their own.  

This time they are not only not objecting, they are encouraging it. While this is a bit short of joining with these organizations it is at least a step in the right direction and a welcome change. However, it would have been nice if they had joined in common cause and partnered with them, I believe it would have had a far greater impact on attendance. 

It is noteworthy that Yeshiva University is closing up for the day so that their students can attend the rally.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if BMG (Lakewood) would do the same? Imagine the turnout if their Roshei Yeshiva delivered a message to their students about the urgency of attending that rally. It would increase the numbers by thousands of Jews that are identifiably Orthodox.

Same thing Chabad. I’m sure they are not opposed to attending it either.  But there too, if their leadership urged attendance, that could add another several thousand identifiable Orthodox Jews to the mix. 

The unifying power of so many Jews from all walks of life and denomation is incalculable in my view. It could change the face of Judaism.

Which leads me to perhaps the single largest demographic of Jews in the world, Satmar.  There are only 2  chances of any Satmar Chasidim attending that rally: slim and none! 

Satmar’s view of Israel’s right to exist matches that of Hamas. The only difference is the extent they are willing to go to dismantle the state. We know what lengths Hamas will go to. Satmar Chasdim are not murderers. But their end goal is the same:  to destroy the state of Israel

This might sound harsh at a time like this. But it is no less true. Neturei Karta whose views about the state of Israel the same as those of  Satmar have acted on them by attending and supporting Palestinian rallies and carrying anti Israel and anti Zionism posters.  

These people are the lowest form of humanity. They do not deserve to be called Jews. In fact, that they can do this after the kind of slaughter and misery our people have just experienced makes them subhuman.  They should be completely ostracized from the Jewish community. Never to be allowed into any shul . or any Jewish establishment. Truly despicable excuses for human beings. They should not be counted among our people in any way, shape, or form. 

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (JTA)
In other news, I’m happy to report that one of the most virulent antisemites in congress just got her comeuppance. From JTA:

The U.S. House of Representatives censured Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the Palestinian American Democrat, for her rhetoric in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 invasion of Israel, including using the term “from the river to the sea.”

The 234-188 vote late Tuesday night saw 22 Democrats vote to censure Tlaib, and was sure to sharpen divides among Democrats over Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza. Some Democrats vehemently defended Tlaib’s right to free speech and others said the “From the river to the sea” term signifies the elimination of Israel. The vote was largely on party lines, reflecting the Republican majority, though four Republicans voted against censuring Tlaib.

Despite Tlaib’s feeble attempt to defend herself with a claim that she was not a calling for Israel’s demise there is really no other way to understand that river to the sea comment. Thankfully the  majority of the House of Representatives didn’t buy her lame explanation. Which is why she was censured.

People like Tlaib who refuse to condemn the extreme level barbarism committed against the Jewish people by Hamas (rivaled in degree of evil only by Nazi Germany) do not deserve a seat in congress.  Her crocodile tears in reaction to the censure notwithstanding. 

Sadly, and perhaps tellingly, she will very likely be re-elected in the next election. Her district in Michigan is heavily populated by fellow Muslims. I guess they feel she speaks for them. Which means that they support Hamas too. They may deny that. But if you keep voting for someone that supports Hamas, then you must support them too. Surely there are other Muslims that would qualify for her office. But since they keep sending her back to Washington every 2 years, that tells you what they really think. Denials to the contrary notwithstanding. Are there any Muslims that reject those views? I’m sure there are. But it appears that the majority are very much of the same mindset as Tlaib. And I don’t think that is going to change any time soon.