Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The More to the Left One Goes...

An illegal  leftist sit-in by a bunch of misguided Jews (NPR)
The more I see extreme leftist Jews in action, the more I consider them to be misguided fools if not downright evil. There are very few enemies of the Jewish people worse than those who are themselves Jewish. They deserve to be called out.  When a bunch of Jews claim that Judaism supports our mortal enemies, there is little else to be said. To say that they are a living breathing Chilul HaShem is a massive understatement.

Sadly  these leftist Jews cannot be fully blamed for their gross distortion of Jewish values. As I so often say it is the lack of an authentic Jewish education that leads them to their folly. But that does not make it any less evil.

These were my thoughts when I saw the following this morning: 

About 200 demonstrators staging a sit-in against the war in Gaza were arrested on Capitol Hill Tuesday, according to U.S. Capitol Police, a day before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was to address a joint meeting of Congress.

In a post on X, the agency said the protesters, gathered in the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building, were arrested for “Crowding, Obstructing or Incommoding,” and added that it's against the law to demonstrate in congressional buildings. 

The picture (above) of this group clearly shows that these people were Jewish. They wanted to make that clear - so one of them in the center (their leader – I suppose)  wore a Kipa and Talis. They wanted the world to know that Jewish morality is on the side of Palestinians. As is their hatred for Israel’s prime minister.

There is a lot of hate out there for Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu. Mostly from the left. The  further one goes to the left, the more one will despise him. That should be obvious by most of those in Congress that will be boycotting his address to a joint session. Which he was invited to give by the leaders of both the House and the Senate:

A number of Democratic lawmakers will not be attending the speech, including progressive leaders such as Sen. Bernie Sanders and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Pramila Jayapal. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi likewise said she will not attend.

Senator Bernie Sanders called Netanyahu a war criminal! Representative Jerry Nadler (who will be attending) said that Netanyahu is “the worst leader in Jewish history since the Maccabean king who invited the Romans into Jerusalem over 2100 years ago.” 


Vice President Kamala Harris is skipping his address too. As Speaker Mike Johnson noted, it is outrageous and inexcusable that the siting vice president and senate president is boycotting this joint session of congress at a time when it has never been more important to stand with our closest ally in the Middle East. She needs to be held accountable for that. 

Her excuse is that she had a preplanned address at an event in Indiana for Zeta Phi Beta, a historically Black sorority founded at her alma mater, Howard University. 

It is pretty lame to prioritize a speech to a sorority over attending an address as a national leader - given to congress by the leader of an ally at war.  I think any normal sorority would understand that kind of priority and would surely have taken a raincheck. That she will meet with the prime minister later in private is well and good. But the message she sends by not attending is a lot louder and clearer than any private meeting she will have. As the war in Gaza has shown us, images sometimes matter more than substance.

She is clearly playing to the Hamas supporting voters of Palestinian heritage in Michigan and Minnesota - states she needs to win if she is going to be elected president. Placing personal ambition above principle.