Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Biden, Trump, and the Republican Platform

I am not a MAGA Republican. Far from it. I have repeatedly been saying that former President Trump’s behavior in the aftermath of the last presidential election crossed a line for me. And his rhetoric ever since hasn’t helped.  

I have also repeatedly said that (as someone that leans politically conservative) I agreed with many of Trump’s policies while he was in office. I am not going to list them all. But suffice it to say that his positive approach to Israel was unprecedented. And his increased pressure on Iran was the right call. Had Biden continued it instead of reversing it, I’m not sure there would have been an ‘October surprise’ from Hamas last year. Iran might not have had the wherewithal to fund such an attack. 

There are of course many other polices with which I agreed – both foreign and domestic. Far too many to list. So if I were to vote based strictly on policy I would be voting for Trump. Which as noted I am not going to do. 

But I’m not going to vote for Biden either. Even though his support for Israel’s war with Hamas  has largely been favorable, it has not been as full throated as has been conservative Republican support. And if that is not enough of a reason not to vote for him consider the following.

A new wrinkle has popped up that makes the next election even more troubling. The not so little matter of Biden’s mental health. Even if you thought his policies were great for the country (I don’t) that is not enough to vote for him going forward. 

For those who liked his policies, this isn’t about comparing 4 years of ‘accomplishments’ to having ‘one bad night’ at a debate. It’s about whether he has the mental capacity to lead the country going forward. That debate showed Biden to have moments where he lacked lucidity. Where he lost his train of thought mid sentence. Where he ended up completing a thought with gibberish - thinking he said something profound.

Even if you liked his polices till now, going forward the US cannot afford a man like that setting domestic or foreign policy. 

And another thing. Biden has long ago abandoned his centrist political philosophy and steered leftward. Having been influenced by the progressive ideologies of his party’s left flank. Ideologies many mainstream Democrats do not agree with. Such as all the gender identification nonsense. (Non binary? Really?)  Or support for  gender affirming treatment for minors without parental consent.

Which brings me to the just announced Republican platform described in JTA. For the most part I like what I read. But journalist Ron Kampeas didn’t like it at all. Considering some of it anathema to what mainstream Jewish America has always supported.

Following are some excerpt some from the platform listed by Kampeas: 

It pledges to fight antisemitism and to keep Israel safe. It promises to fight anti-Christian bias as well as “gender insanity.”


...it says that abortion should be left up to the states and promises to protect birth control and fertility treatments 

…pledges to fight antisemitism and to keep Israel secure,

 …promises the “largest deportation in American history.” The plan — to deport “millions of illegal migrants” 

 …will bring back Trump’s travel ban, which banned entry to citizens of several Muslim-majority countries.

 …condemn antisemitism, and support revoking Visas of Foreign Nationals who support terrorism and jihadism,” it says. “We will hold accountable those who perpetrate violence against Jewish people.”

 “We will stand with Israel, and seek peace in the Middle East,” it says. “We will rebuild our Alliance Network in the Region to ensure a future of Peace, Stability, and Prosperity.”


 More broadly, the platform promises to fight bias against Christians. 

 “Our ranks include men and women from every Faith and Tradition, and we respect the Right of every American to follow his or her deeply held Beliefs,” it says. It immediately adds, “To protect Religious Liberty, Republicans support a new Federal Task Force on Fighting Anti-Christian Bias that will investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America.”  

Although there are parts of this platform I may not fully sign onto, generally I consider it far better than the likely Democratic platform upon which Biden will base his policies. 

Is there any sane person that does not believe that Hamas radicals should not be deported? 

Is revoking the Visas of Foreign Nationals who support terrorism and jihadism not the very least we ought to do to those people?

Is disparaging the founding fathers by teaching critical race theory (CRT) something that should be financed by the government? (This is not to say we should ignore any racism that existed at the time. It is to say that we should not turn our founding fathers into a bunch of evil men with nefarious motives who had no redeeming value as human beings. Which is how CRT is often taught.)

Should the government fund inappropriate sexual material being taught to very young children? 

Do Christians not have the same right to be protected against prejudice and harassment - as other minorities? 

That the platform is ‘heavily influenced by the priorities and language of the nominee, former President Donald Trump’ doesn’t surprise me nor bother me. It is of a piece with his attitude when he was in the Oval Office. 

Kampeas takes note of the fact that a lot of this platform does not conform with the traditional values American Jews have always supported. That does not surprise me either since the vast majority of Jews in this country are not observant and don’t have the requisite Jewish education to understand why being a social justice warrior is not the beginning, middle and end of all things Jewish - to the exclusion of anything else.  That the majority of the Jewish people support left wing policies does not make that policy any more Jewish than it would if a majority of Christians or Muslims supported it. 

Like I said. If I were to vote policy. I would vote Republican based on this platform – even though – as I also said – I don’t fully agree with every line item,. Because for the most part I do agree with it. 

Sadly, however, the man running on that platform is not someone I can vote for. Nor can I vote for his likely opponent. (If Biden doesn’t bow out. And at this point it seems like he won’t.)