Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Olam HaTorah is Not Exclusively Charedi

Charedi version of a rock concert (Mishpacha Magazine)
I hate to be repetitive. But this is a sore subject for me and I cannot stay silent as it keeps re-appearing in mainstream Charedi Magazines as gospel. 

These magazines are not second rate poorly executed rags. They are slickly designed - using the most up to date publication techniques and well trained graphic artists rivaling the best of what is out there in the world of magazine publication. Many of their reporters, journalists, and columnists are trained professionals albeit heavily skewed toward political conservatism and Orthodox Judaism (obviously). Thus giving it an aura of credibility that transcends any objectivity it should otherwise have. (Except for opinion pieces which are by their nature subjective). 

So when it comes to the acceptance of  their Daas Torah, objectivity ceases to exist. Loyalty takes its place. Their reality is the only reality and celebrated with complete abandon. They  freely admit this and are unapologetic. These magazines are widely distributed to a cross-section of the Charedi world and beyond.   

The issue (for those that haven’t figured out yet) is Charedim and military service in Israel. To quickly review, Charedi elders have refused to allow any of their youth to be drafted. As a result the Israeli government has been barred by the courts to continue to provide subsidies to their Yeshivos, Kollelim and students. This has caused a shortfall of at least $100 million.  6 of the most esteemed senior Charedi leaders have traveled overseas to  raise those funds. First to the US and last week to the UK. 

Last week’s Mishpacha Magazine  described that last event in glowing detail. The following are excerpts from that article: 

(The) visit of six gedolim to the UK last week to raise funds for Eretz Yisrael’s beleaguered yeshivos (continued) the pattern established weeks before in America  — where communities responded with overwhelming enthusiasm to the gedolim’s call to action and raised undreamed of sums —results in England, as well, broke all expectations..

Schools across the country shut for the day to allow students to travel and take part

 “It’s like the Chofetz Chaim came to town,” said Rabbi Yitzchok Lev, a Golders Green-based rav..

“I came to bring my son,” a father from Manchester told me. “I wanted to give him chizuk and showcase to him that our connection to the gedolim is what’s important to us.

The moment the gedolim made their entrance, a palpable wave rippled through the crowd, the significance of the moment hitting home. Leading the way was Harav Dov Landau, the weight of the Olam HaTorah resting heavily on his shoulders

Rav Avrohom Gurwicz emphatically set the tone for the evening: “Without Torah, life has no significance, no meaning and no purpose,” he said

But as the crisis in Eretz Yisrael grinds on — with the government barred by the courts from funding yeshivos and kollelim with students of draft age and beyond — the costs of the effort keep growing and the circle of donors will need to expand the amount we need to raise grows by the month “Bochurim who turn 18, which is draft-age, are automatically ineligible for funding. Additionally, every bochur who gets married is eligible for double the funding. Due to these factors, among others, the goal of $107 million is long out of date.”

 “This visit is not just about money,” thundered Rabbi Wachsman. “Our gedolim came to teach us what the Ahavah rabbah of the avreichim in Eretz Yisrael is all about. It’s their dream and aspiration. It’s what they live and breathe. They have gone above and beyond,” concluded Rabbi Wachsman, “and we need to do the same.”

The idea that a huge fundraising goal based on a faulty premise is celebrated as though it was being handed down directly by God from on high is so disturbing that every time I see it, I just want to scream. 

Faulty because Yeshivos whose students are subjected to the draft are fully funded. That is ignored as though they do not exist. They are apparently not considered part of the Olam HaTorah. Nope! Only Charedi Yeshivos qualify for that title. If you dare allow your young to serve in the military, you are part of the problem. Not part of the solution.

Problem?  Yeshiva students that spend their time learning with the same Hasmada (diligence) as Charedi students when they aren’t risking life and limb in battle protecting their people - are  not worthy students of Torah? They are not Yirei Shomayim - God fearing Jews same as Charedim? 

Is Charedi blood redder than theirs?  Do Charedi parents deserve to be spared the tragedies of sons and daughters being killed or permanently injured in war - more than non Charedi religious parents (or even secular parents)? 

It’s not like the above-mentioned leaders aren’t aware of these things and aren’t sympathetic. They surely are. But when it comes to any of their own youth making the same sacrifices they completely reject it. It’s not for them.

Ironically in that same issue of Mishpacha there is a column by another Charedi Rav, Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg. He has spent the last 10 months in an entirely different pursuit. part of whihc was interviewing former hostages and IDF soldiers who sustained serious injuries in the war. Rav Ginzberg produced a documentary that will be available on Tisha B'Av - on YouTube. It is entitled A Year of Tisha B’Avs. (Based on his description - it is a must see.)

Here is an excerpt from his column: 

One of the most difficult interviews we conducted was with a person from Kibbutz Be’eri named Avida Bachar, who hid with his family in a bunker on October 7. On that day, he lost his wife, a son, and a leg. He is still in rehab trying to learn how to navigate with only one leg. We were advised by the head doctor at the rehab that we had to speak to him first — we wouldn’t be disappointed.

He is not frum (yet), but words of emunah just flowed from this incredible Yiddishe neshamah. During the interview, the videographer could not stop crying. The editor reviewing the video could not stop crying either. And though the editing team and the producer were warned about how the interview had affected others, when they saw it, they could not stop crying either.

This is what the IDF is fighting for. It is a burden that requires superhuman courage - knowing that you could lose life and limb in battle. No one should ever have to be subjected to wars like that. But when threats to a nation that produced the events of  October 7th persist, what choice does that nation have? Everyone should feel the obligation to make the same sacrifices. Every community has an obligation to provide significant numbers from their respective community to serve.  Including Charedim.

May God protect us all.