Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Is America Becoming More Antisemitic?

White Nationalists screaming 'Jews will not replace us (ABC)
The sky is not falling. There are, however, a lot of people making noises that sound like it is. At least with respect to the rise of antisemitism in this country. The latest of which comes from Bret Stephens in a New York Times opinion piece that seems to indicate that it is.

The truth is that anitsemitmism has increased. Many would say at an exponential rate since Israel’s response last October to the most horrific attack against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. I wouldn’t argue with that ether

Although I still feel pretty safe walking the streets in my heavily Jewish neighborhood of West Rogers Park here in Chicago, I admit that being attacked by antisemite has crossed my mind on occasion. When - for example -  I traverse the streets on the way to and from Shul on a Friday night. West Rogers Park is also home to a large Muslim population whose neighborhood is adjacent – and even overlaps my Jewish one. We often cross paths with each other as we walk to our destinations.

But whatever fear I might have is minimal and mostly fleeting fueled mostly by the media reports about the massive increase of antisemitism. I don’t recall hearing about any physical altercation between a Muslim and a Jew in this neighborhood. Palestinian protests take place in locations at various other locations across the city, usually where it will get more media attention. Mostly on college campuses. (We had a nice break from that during summer vacation when school was out. Now they are back at it.)

As I have said so many times, it as been my long held belief that the vast majority of Americans are not antisemitic. I still believe that. I feel as welcome in this country as I always have. In fact I think it is truer today that it was before. That was more than amply demonstrated by the massive outpouring of support from all corners of the American public after the Tree of Life Synagogue attack. I do not believe that disappeared after October 7th, If anything I saw an increase in American support for the Jewish people at both the RNC and DNC convention.

So how is the dramatic increase in antisemitism explained?  

Here is what I think. The increase in antisemitism is issue specific.  And mostly found in the hallowed halls of academia. What was once a bastion of objectivity and critical thinking has devolved into an amoral ethos that divides peoples of the  world into 2 groups: The oppressed and the oppressors.  As this applies to Israel and the Palestinians, guess who is considered the oppressed and who is considered the oppressors? And it isn’t too much of a leap to go from there to antisemitism disguised as anti Zionism. Which they define as a colonialist movement - an evil foisted upon an indigenous oppressed people called Palestinians.

This is what  lot of influential faculty members preach to their students as though it was objective truth. A lot of these them hired with the good intention of creating diversity, Thus hiring teachers from all walks of life whose world view were not exactly mainstream. That is how an antisemite like Ibrahim X Kendi and his ilk can become  tenured professors with a lot of influence on the young minds full of mush attending their classes.  

Which is also why you will find many of these young ignorant students (some of whom are Jewish!) protesting Israel (the oppressors) and supporting Palestinians (the oppressed) and in some cases supportig their liberators, Hamas. Is there any wonder why universities have become bastions of antisemitsm instead of bastions of learning?

There is, also, the Muslim community in America. They have grown in unprecedented numbers in recent years with the media giving them an outsized voice. That this generates a lot of antisemitism shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Then there are the good old fashion right wing White Nationalists and the like that still exist at the fringes of society and preach  hatred as an article of their Christian faith. 

And a few black antisemites mesmerized by the likes of Louis Farrakhan whose venom against the Jewish people is well documented. 

And finally there are a few antisemitic celebrities like Kanye West; media personalities like Candace Owens; and even members of congress like Marjorie Taylor Greene on the right who believe in conspiracy theories about us that would have made Henry Ford proud. And Ilhan Omar on the left.  whose anti Israel venom is well articulated.

Put them all together and they are still just a small fraction of the American people. But with a very loud voice and a very active media presence. Many of them have become violent.  Which is why I have the abovementioned fleeting thoughts of being attacked.

But most Americans are like those who showed up at the 2 conventions last summer. They welcome us as equals. And we have complete freedom to pursue the American dream with access to everything we need to achieve it. 

Including access to the top universities in the country. Although the atmosphere there lately has been challenging, I am convinced that members of both parties in congress will not put up with tolerance of antisemitsm disguised as free speech. That was demonstrated at congressional hearing on the subject that resulted in the resignation of presidents of tops schools who did not rise to the task. 

Those schools have a long way to go.  In the meantime, no Jewish student is denied an education because of their faith.

This  does not mean we should ignore the antisemitism that does exists. We should fight it with everything we’ve got.  I think we are doing that. 

I don’t see our acceptance by the vast majority of American people changing any time soon. What I do see is that Since the Holocaust we have been increasingly shown affection by our fellow citizens. Many times.