Hamas weapons discovered in a previous IDF hospital raid |
I don’t think I can emphasize this enough. It is vital for the world to understand that ethics, morality, and justice is on our side as it pertains to the war in Gaza. We must convey this fundamental truth to those easily swayed by an international body that commands the respect of the entire world. Which is understandable since it exists for the purpose uniting the nations of the world in peace, love, and brotherhood. A lofty premise to be sure.
Problem is the UN does not live up to that premise. But you would not know that by the way the mainstream media fawns all over it. They consider every word out of that organization to be gospel. Regardless of which arm of the UN is saying it, or who populates it. Especially if it is a humanitarian arm of the UN like UNRWA whose mandate of late is to feed starving Palestinians in Gaza. That some of UNRWA’s volunteers are also Hamas operatives doesn’t seem to bother the media. When the UN (UNRWA) says Israel is starving Palestinians as as a tactic of war, the media reports that matter of factly. When they report that Israel denies it, you can hear the disbelief in their tone.
The corollary of which is that since Jews populate and lead the country and fight its wars, they are an immoral and unethical people. The media never puts it so starkly or bluntly. But that’s because it would make them sound like antisemites. So they choose to just quote the UN narrrative as the truth. Painting Israel’s denials with a heavy dose of skepticsm.
The UN narrative reported as truth combined with the very real images coming out of Gaza, means that Israel has no chance of being seen as having the moral high ground. That it is all a bunch of distortions and lies from a body with a long history of antisemitism doesn’t matter. The UN is saying so, so it must be true. Palestinian homes, hospitals, schools, and mosques, are all systematically being destroyed as a tactic of war. By an immoral and unethical army of occupiers that have oppressed the indigenous population for over 76 years. That is the ultimate message that the UN and the mainstream media are complicit in perpetuating. Now more than ever.
The most recent example of such unmitigated bias was a day or two ago when Israel attacked a Hamas command center set up in the last remaining functioning hospital in Gaza. The IDF went in and took them down. In the process the hospital suffered so much damage that it stopped functioning. The media reported it almost as though Israel purposely attacked the hospital. Denials by Israel to the contrary notwithstanding.
Those of us who know what’s going on in Gaza... those of us who know the great humanity of the Jewish people know the truth. Israel does not wantonly destroy human life or prevent care of the sick. If that hospital was destroyed, it was because Hamas planned it that way.
Fortunately we are not alone in knowing the truth. The truth about UN hatred of the Jewish people has been ably exposed by former UN ambassador Nikky Haley who attacked this UN hypocrisy on an almost daily basis. It needs to continue. The mainstream media hasn’t got the message yet. They are still blinded by the devastation in Gaza and by a UN they grant respectability that it does not deserve.
That Israel actually has the moral high ground here has been ably described many times by John Spencer. Who knows the ways of war better than just about anyone. Spencer serves as the chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute; is the codirector of the Urban Warfare Project; and host of the Urban Warfare Project Podcast at West Point.
Additionally, we are on the precipice of a new administration who had proven their pro Israel bona fides in a previous administration. And by who they have chosen to shape foreign policy for the next four years Not the least of whom are he incoming Secretary of State, Marco Rubio and the soon to be UN Ambassador, Elise Stefanik.
If anything can change the false perception of the UN as a moral world body, it will be the new administration . Depending on how effectively they deal it - it could once and for all expose their antisemtism so that no one will ever doubt it again. Not even the mainstream media.