Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Profiling Muslims

Radical Islamists of ISIS
Most Muslims are not radicalized. I believe that no matter how they feel about Israel or the Jewish people that most would never commit an act of terror. Living as I do in a heavily populated Muslim area here in my West Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago I encounter Muslims daily. We pass each other in the street all the time without incident. Most just want to get on with their lives without conflict. Same as us. But there is such a thing as Radical Islam. Most of whom have great potential to be terrorists.

I wanted to make clear that I am not an Islamophobe before I dealt with what appears to be the latest terrorist attack:

The FBI is investigating the deadly New Year’s Day incident in New Orleans as an “act of terrorism,” after a driver rammed a pickup truck into a crowd, killing 10 people and injuring 30 others…

“The subject then engaged with local law enforcement and is now deceased. The FBI is the lead investigative agency, and we are working with our partners to investigate this as an act of terrorism.”

I don’t know how much evidence there is that this was an act of terror. Or whether it was committed by  a Radical Islamist.. But it  would surely not surprise me in the slightest if it was. Radical Islam may very well be responsible for  the vast majority of atrocities against innocent people in the world these days. 

Consider the 9/11 Al Qaida attack against the World Trade Center. Or the public beheading of hostages by ISIS. Or the 2009 massacre at Fort Hood in 2009 where Nidal Hassan, a US army major shot and killed 13 innocent  people and injured 30. Or the 2015 San Bernardino massacre of 14 innocent people by Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik. Or the October 7th brutal rape and massacre of 1200 Jews by Hamas.

To Radical Islam anything goes in service to their goals including mass murder of innocent people. Anything done for  the sake of God is considered an act worthy of great reward. Dying in the attempt is considered an act of martyrdom guaranteeing the highest place in heaven. Goals that include ‘returning stolen Palestinian land’ to its rightful owners and removing or killing the Zionist Jews that have occupied it for decades. 

In service to this Godly goal, killing as many innocent people as possible is considered worthy. It shows how determined they are to carry out their religious mission. And are more than willing to become martyrs while doing it - as was the case on 9/11. Not only are they willing to martyr themselves they are willing to allow tens of thousands of their own innocent people be killed if it serves that goal. And if they see the nations of the world getting in their way, they too will pay the price. Especially if  - like the US – they are seen as facilitating the  enemy Zionist Jews.

Radical religious ideology is surely what motived Al Qaida on 9/11. And if my hunch about it is correct, it surely motived the lone wolf that drove a truck into a crowd of innocent Americans at 3 AM today in New Orleans. The purpose of terrorism is to instill fear into the hearts of all Americans until the US cries ‘Uncle’ and the terrorists get what they want. 

This is not new. I’ve said it all before in one context or another. The question is, what can we do about it? Or more precisely what can the US do about it?

That’s a tough question to answer. When you have lone wolves that somehow manage to circumvent all the precautions law enforcement put in place how can terrorism by such an individual be prevented? It seems like whatever law enforcement does to prevent an attack someone somewhere will figure out a way to bypass it.  

That being said, there is something the US can do. Which is politically incorrect, but could very well save many lives. When a religion like Islam produces an Iran - an entire country based on Radical Islam - it is time to start profiling Muslims. Muslim immigrants must be examined with extra scrutiny. For Muslims that already live here, if there slightest suspicion that they are involved in anything nefarious, US intelligence agencies must monitor their every move. They must infiltrate their mosques, social groups, and monitor their online chats on social media. 

If we are ever going to stop Radical Islam from creating the kind of monster that killed 10 people today, I don’t think we have a choice. Regardless of how the left may feel about it. (I wouldn’t be surprised it this is already being done by the ICE, ATF, FBI and CIA.)

One might retort, how would I feel if Jews were treated this way? Personally, I could not care less if the FBI hears or reads every word I have ever said or written online or anywhere else. But more importantly, there is no reason to profile American Jews. We do not commit mass murders of innocent people. There is no such thing as a Jewish terrorist driving a truck into a crowd of people for the purpose of killing as many of them as possible.

What about other fringe groups with radicalized religious ideology?  For example White Supremacists that want to overthrow the government and turn the US into a white Christian nation?

Well if the shoe fits… they should get the same treatment. But honestly, I don’t recall any 9/11s being perpetrated by White Supremacists. They are fringe groups and certainly not as numerous or widespread as is Radical Islam. And they are certainly not interested in being martyrs for their cause.

It is my sincere hope that the new administration takes more effective measures like this to protect American lives from Islamic terrorism. The American people have had enough