Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Religious Fervor and Violence

Leaders of the two opposing factions in Poenvezh (TOI)
It pains me to say this. But one of the biggest problems plaguing the world right now is religious fervor. It pains me because I consider myself to be a fervently religious Jew. But I do not believe my religious fervor to be a plague on anyone, much less the entire world. How does  this contradiction make any sense? 

I was moved to make this comment and ask this question after reading a story in the Times of Israel about what is going on at Ponevezh, one of the most prestigious Yeshivos in the world. In brief there is a war going on between factions in that Yeshiva that has come to serious violence many times. The recent death of Rav Asher Deutsch,  Rosh Yeshiva and leader of one of those factions has once again brought about violence. 

There have been so many instances of violent clashes between the two sides in Ponevezh that a lot of Charedi parents have passed up opportunities to send their children there. Not that Ponevezh wants for any students. They have a pretty full Beis HaMedrash. But the desire to attend that Yeshiva has been severely diminished. Parents do not want their children to be hurt in violent clashes. Which are almost guaranteed to happen after their children pick a side.

I think it is safe to say that people who are most fervent believers are often the most zealous. Willing to take violent action on behalf of those beliefs. They see it as a legitimate tactic in a their war for God. 

I have mentioned this kind of thinking when it comes to Islam. Islam,is where fervent beliefs combined with determined zealotry is played out to the maximum. It explains ISIS,  9/11, October 7th and just about every suicide bomber. The more fervent the Muslim the more likely they would be willing to blow themselves up in that mission.

But we have our own version  of fervent zealotry. They may not go to the extremes that Islamists do. But there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that they will resort to violence in the belief that doing so will achieve an end desired by God. This is what motivates some extremist settlers that want to cleanse Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) of Palestinians. Whatever it takes to get the job done including violence and mayhem, they are going to be zealous in trying to get it done. They see their mission as holy. And could not care less what other - even religious Jews say about it.

To say that Charedim are fervent believers is to overstate the obvious. And violence is clearly not beyond some of them in doing the will of God. Which is why the 2 factions in Ponevezh have been at each others throats ever since the death of Rav Shach. Each side believes God is on their side and have come to blows in order to prove it.

So if I am a fervent believer why am I not like that? That’s because I believe in Elu V’ Elu - a fundamental principle of Judaism which states that when legitimate arguments are made by both sides of an issue that are inconclusive - each side has to respect the other side even as they continue to disagree. And that violence surely solves nothing

If all religious people would have this attitude, it would be aa better world. Sometimes that means compromise. Which could have clearly been a solution to the latest dispute in Ponevezh. As it could be in so many other issues like Charedi enlistment in the IDF. 

But it never is. 

Unfortunately religious fervor and the  zealotry to back it up seems to get in the way every time. So we will continue to see violence being perpetrated by the most fervently religious zealots of mankind until messianic times when God’s truth will be revealed to all.